Untitled recipe

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  • Published
    25 Jan 2025
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  1. Spray prime with Abaddon Black
  2. Base coat entire model in Rhinox Hide Two thinned down coats
  3. Heavy dry brush Mechanicus Standard Grey Like very heavy. Stipple if you need to to get in most crevices. This should cover about 90% of model. You can use a large dry brush for this
  4. Another Heavy dry brush Administratum Grey Slightly less then last. Aim for about 70% of model. Stilple in crevices. Pic is side by side from last step. Use a smaller dry brush like a medium
  5. More of a stipple than a dry brush of Ulthuan Grey Starting from top and hitting where lights would hit. Do not get under crevices. Aim for about less than half of model. Pic is side by side comparison
  6. Now the final layer for this White Scar or any other pure white. Try to leave model stationary and only light stipple the areas only light would hit. So half of last layer.

Khakis (standard issue)

  1. Hit all the areas of the standard uniform with Skeleton Horde Two coats in thinned from this should suffice
  2. Severely medium Damon Gore-grunta Fur and apply in recesses of the Khakis

Green armor

  1. Hit a minimum of two coats of Militarum Green
  2. Edge Higlight in Loren Forest


  1. Apply one coat on the straps of Gore-grunta Fur and two coats on the backpacks. The one coat with clap chop makes the browns stick out more and appears aged.
  2. Now apply a super thinned down with Lahmian Medium Cygor Brown Over all of the leather areas to darken it further
  3. Black Areas (But stock of gun, Boots)
  4. Base in Black Templar
  5. Accessories
  6. Base coat in Dark Angels Green Iv chosen to hit some of the accessories. Like the canteen. Pin and handles of grenades. And other things I wanted to be like a painted metal. Like some small radios.
  7. Officers Power sword
  8. Base coat in Iron Warriors Then edge highlight with Stormhost Silver
  9. Make lighting streaks coming from bead with Thousand Sons Blue then carefully in the middle of those streams use White Scar
Citadel Painting System 18
Base 4
  • Iron Warriors
  • Mechanicus Standard Grey
  • Rhinox Hide
  • Thousand Sons Blue
Layer 5
  • Administratum Grey
  • Loren Forest
  • Stormhost Silver
  • Ulthuan Grey
  • White Scar
Technical 1
  • Lahmian Medium
Air 2
  • Abaddon Black
  • White Scar
Contrast 6
  • Black Templar
  • Cygor Brown
  • Dark Angels Green
  • Gore-grunta Fur
  • Militarum Green
  • Skeleton Horde
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