Munchkin's heros

Munchkin's heros

  • Written by
  • Published
    31 Oct 2020
  • Shareable URL

From Munchkin Dungeon

  1. Prime the miniatures with Black
  2. Zenital highlight with Grey


  1. Clothes and hat Hexed Lichen
  2. Leather belts and wand stick Charred Brown
  3. Clothes stars and wand star Sun Yellow
  4. Cape Goblin Green
  5. Skin Dwarf Skin
  6. Teeth Dead White
  7. Eyes Black
  8. Beard, a heavy wash Nuln Oil


  1. Armour Magic Blue 1:1 Dead White
  2. Hat and undergarment Cold Grey
  3. Had middle, same mix of the armour and a bit of Cold Grey
  4. Belt and shoes Black
  5. Mace red marks Bloody Red 1:1 Glaze Medium ;
    Stone Cold Grey ;
    Holder Wood Grain
  6. Skin Bronze Flesh Tone
  7. Eyes and teeth Dead White
  8. Hair:
    Base colour Dwarf Skin
    Glaze using Sun Yellow 1:1 Glaze Medium


  1. Vest
    Base Goblin Green ,
    Wash Agrax Earthshade ,
    Highlight Goblin Green
  2. Helmet, sword, chest plate and spear head
    Base Gunmetal ,
    Wash Nuln Oil
  3. Shield and sword handle
    Base Hammered Copper ,
    Wash Agrax Earthshade ,
    Highlight Hammered Copper
  4. Skin
    Base Orange Brown ,
    Wash Agrax Earthshade ,
    Highlight Orange Brown
  5. Teeth Dead White
  6. Belt Leather Brown
  7. Hair
    Base Dead White 1:1 water,
    Wash Nuln Oil
  8. Spear pole Wood Grain


  1. Cloak multiple layers of Black 1:2 Glaze Medium
  2. Money bag Green 1:1 Glaze Medium
  3. Eyes and teeth Dead White
  4. Skin Bronze Flesh Tone 1:1 Glaze Medium
  5. Hair Orange Fire
  6. Shoes Chocolate Brown


  1. Clothes base Orange Brown and then a wash with Agrax Earthshade
  2. Axe, helmet and shield, base Gunmetal and wash with Nuln Oil
  3. Belt and boots Chocolate Brown
  4. Beard Smoke
Citadel Painting System
Shade 2
  • Agrax Earthshade
  • Nuln Oil
Vallejo Auxiliaries
Base 1
  • 70.596 Glaze Medium
Vallejo Game Color 16
Base 15
  • 72.001 Dead White
  • 72.006 Sun Yellow
  • 72.008 Orange Fire
  • 72.010 Bloody Red
  • 72.015 Hexed Lichen
  • 72.021 Magic Blue
  • 72.030 Goblin Green
  • 72.036 Bronze Flesh Tone
  • 72.040 Leather Brown
  • 72.041 Dwarf Skin
  • 72.045 Charred Brown
  • 72.050 Cold Grey
  • 72.051 Black
  • 72.054 Gunmetal
  • 72.059 Hammered Copper
Ink 1
  • 72.089 Green
Vallejo Model Color 4
Base 2
  • 70.872 Chocolate Brown
  • 70.981 Orange Brown
Transparent 2
  • 70.828 Wood Grain
  • 70.939 Smoke
Vallejo Surface Primer
Base 2
  • 70.601 Grey
  • 70.602 Black
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