- Prime White Scar or equivalent.
- Coat the entirety of the model, except the longer plumage, with a 1:1: mix of Seraphim Sepia , Lahmian Medium and Daler-Rowney Flow Enhancer. It should be a very light coat, and more of a tint, than something to add depth/shade/etc.
- Lightly drybrush the tio scales with Wraithbone , then Pallid Wych Flesh (tbh probably just PWF is ok; wraithbone is extremely close to the post-wash tone).
- Using a 1:1 mix of Lahmian Medium and Fuegan Orange , carefully paint in the 'bunting'-style triangles that follow the monster's spine, making sure to study the video game renditions.
- Dot the eyes with Karandras Green , and a dot of Black for the pupil. Go back in with Pallid Wych Flesh if you overstep the eye's recess.
- Touch up the longer plumage with Matt White if needed. Then, apply a wash of 1:1 Lahmian Medium and Casandora Yellow , coat 2/3s in 1:1 Lahmian Medium and Fuegan Orange , then finally the tips in 1:1 Lahmian Medium and Carroburg Crimson
- Coat the boulder in Administratum Grey , then stipple with Mechanicus Standard Grey /etc to rough it up a bit.
- Paint the tongue Screamer Pink , then highlight Pink Horror
- Drybrush Cadian Fleshtone over the limbs and tail to darken them slightly as per the in-game model.
- Wash the spikes, spine ridge and areas around the eyes with Reikland Fleshshade
- Drybrush the beak tips with Black and use this to paint the talons black.
- For the base, I coated it in Agrellan Badland