- Prime Zandri Dust or equivalent.
- Coat any metal with Vallejo Environment Rust Texture.
- Drybrush the metal heavilyy with Iron Hands Steel , followed by a lighter (but still aggressive) drybrush of Runefang Steel
- Basecoat the skin with Orruk Flesh , wash with Biel-Tan Green , then re-highlight with Orruk Flesh
- Basecoat the leather with Thondia Brown , undershirts with Rhinox Hide , wrappings with Rakarth Flesh , denim with Kantor Blue (all my orks have jeans lol), and boots with Black
- Wash all of the above with Agrax Earthshade - I like to add an additional Nuln Oil shade to the denim to make it darker.
- Add depth to the lips, knuckles and scarring with a glaze of Carroburg Crimson
- Heavily stipple Matt White , Black and Khorne Red onto the metal areas, creating the beaten Goff panelling.
- Tint any metal areas you want to be brass with Aggaros Dunes