Iron Warrior Armour ('Eavy Contrast)

Iron Warrior Armour ('Eavy Contrast)

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  • Published
    29 Nov 2020
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How I painted the silver and gold armour on my Iron Warrior Chaos Space Marine. Inspired strongly by JuanHidalgo Miniatures video "'Eavy Contrast Marines - Iron Warriors".

  1. Basecoat all armour with Vallejo Metal Color Duraluminum .
  2. Glaze Vallejo Metal Color White Aluminum onto the top parts of the silver panels and any other raised areas.
  3. Recess shade any particularly deep areas or chainmail with Vallejo Metal Color Gunmetal Grey
  4. While you have the paint out, paint any exposed undersuit/tubing with Vallejo Metal Color Gunmetal Grey too.
  5. Paint all silver areas with Black Templar and Contrast Medium , mixed 1:3.
  6. Highlight undersuit/tubing with Vallejo Metal Color Duraluminum and a finer highlight with Vallejo Metal Color White Aluminum .
  7. Re-establish the silver panel highlights with a glaze of Vallejo Metal Color Duraluminum again and add in edge highlights where applicable.
  8. Recess shade the lower potion of silver panels with watered down Mournfang Brown and add in drips from the top.
  9. In corners where the Mournfang Brown has collected, add in an optional small accent with watered down Skrag Brown .
  10. Paint all of the gold trim with Liberator Gold . This is likely to take a few coats.
  11. Go over all of the trim from the last step with Guilliman Flesh .
  12. Selectively edge highlight the gold trim with Vallejo Metal Color Duraluminum . Concentrate on the most extreme edges and corners.
  13. Add dot highlights to all of the silver and gold armour previously highlighted, this time with Vallejo Metal Color White Aluminum . Don't forget all of the rivets.

Rookie Brushes


Aspiring miniature painter and biscuit enthusiast. Here to share my hobby and help where I can.

Citadel Painting System 6
Base 1
  • Mournfang Brown
Layer 2
  • Liberator Gold
  • Skrag Brown
Technical 1
  • Contrast Medium
Contrast 2
  • Black Templar
  • Guilliman Flesh
Vallejo Metal Color
Base 3
  • 77.702 Duraluminum
  • 77.706 White Aluminum
  • 77.720 Gunmetal Grey
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