How I painted the silver and gold armour on my Iron Warrior Chaos Space Marine. Inspired strongly by JuanHidalgo Miniatures video "'Eavy Contrast Marines - Iron Warriors".
- Basecoat all armour with Vallejo Metal Color Duraluminum .
- Glaze Vallejo Metal Color White Aluminum onto the top parts of the silver panels and any other raised areas.
- Recess shade any particularly deep areas or chainmail with Vallejo Metal Color Gunmetal Grey
- While you have the paint out, paint any exposed undersuit/tubing with Vallejo Metal Color Gunmetal Grey too.
- Paint all silver areas with Black Templar and Contrast Medium , mixed 1:3.
- Highlight undersuit/tubing with Vallejo Metal Color Duraluminum and a finer highlight with Vallejo Metal Color White Aluminum .
- Re-establish the silver panel highlights with a glaze of Vallejo Metal Color Duraluminum again and add in edge highlights where applicable.
- Recess shade the lower potion of silver panels with watered down Mournfang Brown and add in drips from the top.
- In corners where the Mournfang Brown has collected, add in an optional small accent with watered down Skrag Brown .
- Paint all of the gold trim with Liberator Gold . This is likely to take a few coats.
- Go over all of the trim from the last step with Guilliman Flesh .
- Selectively edge highlight the gold trim with Vallejo Metal Color Duraluminum . Concentrate on the most extreme edges and corners.
- Add dot highlights to all of the silver and gold armour previously highlighted, this time with Vallejo Metal Color White Aluminum . Don't forget all of the rivets.
Aspiring miniature painter and biscuit enthusiast. Here to share my hobby and help where I can.