Titanicus buildings and terrain

Titanicus buildings and terrain

  • Written by
  • Published
    18 Dec 2020
  • Updated
    04 Feb 2025
  • Shareable URL
  1. From a black primer, dry brush Dawnstone heavily all over. This should be done in a mostly downwards motion.
  2. Base in any metallics you wish to use
  3. Next, prepare Coelia Greenshade and Lahmian Medium . Paint the medium on to the upper parts of where you want your dirt and grime to gather. Then while it's still wet, load up on coelia and draw it up from the bottom of the building towards the medium and allow them to mix. You can vary the amount of coelia you use to give a more or less distressed feel.
  4. Once that's dry, lightly drybrush Administratum Grey and focus it on the upper parts of the model.
Citadel Painting System 4
Shade 1
  • Coelia Greenshade
Layer 2
  • Administratum Grey
  • Dawnstone
Technical 1
  • Lahmian Medium
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