Reaper Bones medium sized Mushroom

Reaper Bones medium sized Mushroom

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  • Published
    10 Jun 2021
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My first competition piece
Competing in the r/minipainting Spring Competition


  1. Prime with Krylon colormaxx Flat Black
  2. Big makeup brush drybrush zenithal with Ivory


  1. Paint entire mini with a coat of Ivory , because the reaper bones is hydrophobic
  2. Paint ground with Dark Golden Brown
  3. Wet blend from Purple at top to Magenta to Pale Pink on mushroom cap, clean with glazes as needed
  4. Paint under mushroom cap with Pale Pink and then paint with a very thinned down with water Purple
  5. Paint shelf mushrooms with Golden Yellow
  6. Wash body and shelf mushrooms with Agrax Earthshade
  7. Highlight body with Ivory
  8. Repaint body with Ivory
  9. Shade crevices with Seraphim Sepia
  10. Highlight with thinned down Ivory
  11. Highlight body again with thinned down Bright Ivory
  12. Highlight shelf mushrooms with Golden Yellow and then Pale Yellow
  13. Glaze any too bright shelf mushrooms with Golden Yellow
  14. Wash ground with Agrax Earthshade and Nuln Oil in some places
  15. Drybrush base with Light Umber
  16. Apply Army Painter Wasteland Tuft
  17. Paint rim with Pure Black
Citadel Painting System
Shade 3
  • Agrax Earthshade
  • Nuln Oil
  • Seraphim Sepia
Monument Creature Caster Pro Acryl
Base 9
  • 006 Golden Yellow
  • 010 Purple
  • 011 Magenta
  • 018 Light Umber
  • 022 Bright Ivory
  • 023 Ivory
  • 043 Pale Pink
  • 060 Pale Yellow
  • 062 Dark Golden Brown
Reaper Master Series
Base 1
  • 9037 Pure Black
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