Orks: Skin Tones


A step by step guide on how I paint the various ork skin tones for my custom Ork Army.

Tone 1 (Ork Boyz)

  1. Basecoat the skin with Militarum Green
  2. Highlight the skin with Ogryn Camo I used this mainly on the face, to draw focus there. I also apply this to things like the fingers etc..

Tone 2

  1. Basecoat the skin with Ork Flesh
  2. Wash the skin with a 1:2 mix of Ork Flesh & Contrast Medium
  3. Wash the deepest recesses of the skin with Biel-Tan Green
  4. Layer the skin, avoiding the recesses with Orruk Flesh
  5. Edge highlight the skin with Ogryn Camo make sure these highlights are relatively chunky highlights.
  6. Edge highlight the skin with Krieg Khaki make sure these highlights are within the Orgyn Camo highlight.

Matt Pearson


Citadel Painting System 6
Shade 1
  • Biel-Tan Green
Layer 2
  • Krieg Khaki
  • Ogryn Camo
Technical 1
  • Contrast Medium
Contrast 2
  • Militarum Green
  • Ork Flesh
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