Heretical Death Guard

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  • Published
    01 Feb 2022
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  1. Initally prime with Black Primer

Airbrush Basecoat

  1. Zenithal highlight with Liquitex White Ink
  2. Light all over coat with 50/50 Rakarth Flesh & Mechanicus Standard Grey through the airbrush
  3. Highlight the top 75% of the model Pallid Wych Flesh at a 45 degree angle
  4. Highlight top 25% of the model with a 75/25 mix of Pallid Wych Flesh & Screaming Skull

Brush Basecoats

  1. Basecoat Cloth & Pauldrons with Castellan Green
  2. Basecoat Black parts (i.e. gun casing, any parts that will be Gunmetal) with Black Templar
  3. Basecoat bone with Zandri Dust then layer the top 75% with Ushabti Bone
  4. Basecoat Silver Metal parts with Gunmetal Grey
  5. Basecoat Bronze areas with Balthasar Gold
  6. Basecoat tubes and fleshy bits with Volupus Pink


  1. Recess Shade the White armor with Seraphim Sepia
  2. Shade Cloth, Wood & Bone with Agrax Earthshade
  3. Shade Silver with Metallic Armor Shade (made up of 3 parts Nuln Oil , 2 parts Agrax Earthshade , 1 part Drakenhof Nightshade , 1 part Athonian Camoshade )


  1. Highlight the green cloth back up with Castellan Green then Loren Forest for characters
  2. Highlight the silver with Silver
  3. Highlight the bone with Ushabti Bone then Screaming Skull


  1. OSL weapon edges, toxic clouds & smoke etc with Golden Fluorescent Green


  1. Paint base Mournfang Brown then Pigment powder with an Orange Brown Pigment also hitting boots and bottom of cloaks
Badger Stynylrez
Base 1
  • Black Primer
Citadel Painting System 17
Base 6
  • Balthasar Gold
  • Castellan Green
  • Mechanicus Standard Grey
  • Mournfang Brown
  • Rakarth Flesh
  • Zandri Dust
Shade 5
  • Agrax Earthshade
  • Athonian Camoshade
  • Drakenhof Nightshade
  • Nuln Oil
  • Seraphim Sepia
Layer 4
  • Loren Forest
  • Pallid Wych Flesh
  • Screaming Skull
  • Ushabti Bone
Contrast 2
  • Black Templar
  • Volupus Pink
Vallejo Metal Color
Base 2
  • 77.720 Gunmetal Grey
  • 77.724 Silver
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