- Initial Priming Coat of Black
- Zenithal Priming from directly above only in a white ink
Mournfang Fur
- Bottom 25% of the fur Rhinox Hide
- Middle 50% of the fur Mournfang Brown
- Top 25% of the fur Skrag Brown
- Wash of Agrax Earthshade all over the fur
Riders Grey Skin
- First Coat Eshin Grey
- Layer 75/25 Eshin Grey / Cadian Fleshtone
- 1st Hightlight 50/50 Pallid Wych Flesh / Eshin & Cadian Mix
- 2nd Highlight 75/25 Pallid Wych Flesh / Eshin & Cadian Mix
Final Highlight Pallid Wych Flesh only on very highest points on face
- Inside Mouth Mephiston Red Ushabti Bone and a touch of Black
- Teeth Ushabti Bone then wash with Agrax Earthshade Highlight with Screaming Skull
- Eyes based with Doombull Brown White with Pallid Wych Flesh then dot with Black