My take on the Predator Legion, one of the chapters lost in the Abyssal Crusade.
- Priming is done with Grey Seer
- Initially, I wash with Apothecary White over all the white panels.
- The metallic parts are basecoated with Leadbelcher , with Retributor Armour for the trim and Rhinox Hide for the leather.
- Any fur, flayed skin, or bone is based in Pallid Wych Flesh
- The bare skin is basecoated in Catachan Fleshtone
- The fur is given a coat of Gore-grunta Fur , flayed skin and flesh interchangeably with Guilliman Flesh , Darkoath Flesh and Fyreslayer Flesh , and bone with Skeleton Horde . Any gore is now given a coat of Flesh Tearers Red
- The trim, leather, bare skin and metal are shaded with Ratling Grime
- The skin is highlighted with Bloodreaver Flesh , the trim with Liberator Gold , metal with Runefang Steel and the leather with Baneblade Brown
- Extreme highlights on the skin are applied with Knight-questor Flesh
- The white panels are cleaned up with Ulthuan Grey
The flames, along with any ghostly effects, are first given an all over coat of Tesseract Glow . Then, the darker parts are gone over with Hexwraith Flame , and finally Dark Angels Green - The base is rimmed with Steel Legion Drab . AK Interactive Dry Ground is used on the base, with a mixture of tufts and rocks from Army Painter. The rocks and the ground are given a wash of Agrax Earthshade
This is more a guide I can keep referring back to more than a thing I expect anyone else to actually use :P