Enduring Stormvault Brasero

  • Written by
  • Published
    10 Jun 2022
  • Updated
    04 Feb 2025
  • Shareable URL
  1. Start by priming with Chaos Black .

Stone pillar

  1. Drybrush first with Eshin Grey then with Dawnstone .

For the following steps, try to drybrush less and less part of the pillar to at the end only catch the edges.

  1. Drybrush with Grey Seer .
  2. Drybrush with Ceramite White .
  3. Drybrush with White Scar .

Metallic parts

  1. Paint handles and brasero with Screaming Bell .
  2. Shade with Agrax Earthshade .
  3. Drybrush with Runelord Brass .
  4. Shade again with a mix of Agrax Earthshade and Lahmian Medium (1/3 or 1/4).
  5. Edge highlight with Hashut Copper .


  1. Paint skulls with Wraithbone .
  2. Wash with Agrax Earthshade


  1. Paint first with Ulthuan Grey to have an easier base to work with white paint.
  2. Paint with Ceramite White then with Yriel Yellow .
  3. From top to bottom, paint with Moot Green .
  4. Mix Moot Green with Sybarite Green (1/1) and apply again from top but this time stop a little before the bottom to leave some pure Moot Green visible.
  5. Mix Moot Green with Kabalite Green (1/1) and the same as before start from the top but stop even before.
  6. Mix Moot Green , Sybarite Green and Kabalite Green (1/1/1). And apply again as before.
  7. Mix Sybarite Green and Kabalite Green (1/1) and apply.
  8. And to finish apply some Kabalite Green at the top of the flame where it should be darker.
  9. Paint some White Scar or Ulthuan Grey at the root of the flame.

Fire lighting (Optional)


  1. Mix some Hexwraith Flame with Lahmian Medium (1/1 or 1/2). And apply thin layers on skull heads from top to bottom but leaving the bottom/hidden part of the skull unchanged. You will probably need to apply one or more layer to have expected color.
  2. Mix some Moot Green and Lahmian Medium to have a glaze. Apply from top but stop before reaching the bottom to leave some color of the previous step visible. You will probably need to apply one or more layer to start seeing a difference with the previous layer.
  3. Mix some Yriel Yellow and Lahmian Medium to have a glaze. Apply only at the very top of the skulls.


  1. Mix some Hexwraith Flame and Lahmian Medium and apply thin layers inside the brasero. The color should not be too bright.
  2. Mix Moot Green and Lahmian Medium . Apply a first very thin layer all inside the brasero. And then apply some only at the intersection of metallic parts to give more brightness.
  3. Mix Yriel Yellow and Lahmian Medium and apply it only at the intersection.
Citadel Painting System 18
Base 4
  • Ceramite White
  • Grey Seer
  • Screaming Bell
  • Wraithbone
Shade 1
  • Agrax Earthshade
Layer 10
  • Dawnstone
  • Eshin Grey
  • Hashut Copper
  • Kabalite Green
  • Moot Green
  • Runelord Brass
  • Sybarite Green
  • Ulthuan Grey
  • White Scar
  • Yriel Yellow
Technical 1
  • Lahmian Medium
Spray 1
  • Chaos Black
Contrast 1
  • Hexwraith Flame
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