This miniature was the first Inquisitorial Agent I painted from Ashes of Faith.
Red Robe
- Basecoat with with Khorne Red.
- Soft shade the recesses with a 1:1 mix of Khorne Red and Incubi Darkness.
- Add some Abaddon Black to the above mix and add more specific shading to the deepest recesses.
- Glaze raised areas with Wazdakka Red. I actually used Vallejo Game Color Gory Red, as it was all I had to hand.
- Now mix the Wazdakka Red 1:1 with Squig Orange and add chunky highlights to folds.
- Apply fine highlights with Squig Orange.
- Finish off the cloth with selective highlights of Squig Orange and Pallid Wych Flesh, mixed 1:1.
Cream Lining
- Basecoat with Karak Stone.
- Wash with Seraphim Sepia.
- Reestablish the Karak Stone where highlights are needed.
- Mix some Screaming Skull into your Karak Stone to enhance the smaller highlights.
- Mix White Scar into the above mix and apply your final selective highlights.
Grey Trousers
- Basecoat with Dark Reaper.
- Wash with Nuln Oil.
- Apply highlights with a 1:1 mix of Dark Reaper and Administratum Grey.
- Finally, add small highlights of Administratum Grey.
- Basecoat with Cadian Fleshtone.
- Wash with Reikland Fleshshade.
- Mix the Cadian Fleshtone 2:1 with Wraithbone and add general highlights.
- Increase the amount of Wraithbone gradually, highlighting smaller and smaller.
- Finish off with selective dots of Wraithbone where needed.
Black Leather
- Basecoat with Abaddon Black.
- Chunky highlights of 1:1 Abaddon Black and Skavenblight Dinge.
- Fine highlights of Skavenblight Dinge.
- Selective highlights of Stormvermin Fur.
- Specularhighlights of Karak Stone.
Black Gun Casing
- Basecoat with Abaddon Black.
- Chunky highlight with Dark Reaper.
- Fine highlights of 1:1 Dark Reaper and Administratum Grey.
- Selective highlights of Administratum Grey.
- Specular highlights of Administratum Grey and White Scar.
Black Armour
- Basecoat with Abaddon Black.
- Apply chunky highlights with Dark Reaper.
- Highlight everything again, this time with a thin line of Thunderhawk Blue.
- Selectively highlight points where the light would be the most intense with Fenrisian Grey.
- If any points need some extra shine, pop a small dot of Blue Horror in the brightest point.
Copper Gun Barrel
- Basecoat of Hashut Copper.
- Shade with Gore-grunta Fur.
- Shade deep recesses with a 1:1 mix of Doombull Brown and Abaddon Black.
- Highlight with a mix of Hashut Copper and Stormhost Silver (I prefer Vallejo Model Air Silver RLM01 Metallic for this).
- Specular highlights of Stormhost Silver (or a light metal of your choice).
Decorative Gold
- Basecoat with Retributor Armour.
Shade: Gor-grunta Fur
Deep shade: Recesses with Doombull Brown + Black 2:1
Highlight: Stormhost Silver - Shade with Gore-grunta Fur.
- Shade deep recesses with a 1:1 mix of Doombull Brown and Abaddon Black.
- Gradually mix a light silver (like Stormhost Silver) into your Retributor Armour and apply smaller and smaller highlights.
- Specular highlights of Stormhost Silver (or a light metal of your choice).