- Prime Wraithbone
- Apply 9:1 Contrast Medium + Volupus Pink
- Apply Volupus Pink to flesh port bits
- Drybrush Wraithbone
- Paint carapace Shyish Purple
- Paint gun Guilliman Flesh
- Paint mouth and end of gun Magos Purple
- Paint eyes, teeth, gun ammo Medium Grey
- Paint eyes Iyanden Yellow
- Paint ammo Frostheart
- Drybrush Carapace 1:1 Xereus Purple + Medium Grey
- Glaze carapace 7:1 Contrast Medium + Shyish Purple
- OPTIONAL: Scratchy texture highlight on carapace 2:1 Xereus Purple + Medium Grey
- Smaller scratchy texture highlight 1:2 Xereus Purple + Medium Grey
- Highlight eyes Medium Grey
- Highlight skin Wraithbone
- Paint Base Mournfang Brown and apply tufts
- Varnish Matte Varnish
- Apply Burnt Umber pigment to base
- Base rim Abaddon Black