White Knights

White Knights

  • Written by
  • Published
    09 Aug 2022
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Dirty White Armor

  1. Prime Black
  2. Basecoat Flat Earth :
  3. Heavy Airbrush Highlight Flat Earth : + Flat White : 1:1
  4. Selective Airbrush Highlight Flat Earth : + Flat White : 1:2
  5. Very Selective Airbrush Highlight with diluted Flat White :
  6. Apply stripe using masking tape and Flat Red :
  7. Varnish Gloss then transfers


  1. Basecoat Natural Steel :
  2. Shade Seraphim Sepia


  1. Basecoat Gun Metal :
  2. Basecoat brass areas Balthasar Gold
  3. Basecoat cables Mechanicus Standard Grey


  1. Basecoat window +lenses Stormhost Silver
  2. Window Soulstone Blue
  3. Lenses Waystone Green

Oils + Enamels and weathering

  1. Chip with Chocolate (Chipping) :
  2. Gloss varnish and leave overnight
  3. Heavy Wash Raw Umber , leave to dry for 10 mins, then wipe off most of it.
  4. Pinwash Black
  5. Remove Pinwash with old brush using white spirit. Make sure brush is not soaked
  6. Apply spots of rust on chips/random areas with AK Rust Streaks. Leave 10mins
  7. Flat Varnish
  8. Apply pigments to burnt areas (exhausts + Meltaguns)


  1. Apply cork sheet torn up
  2. Apply sand with PVA Glue
  3. Apply diluted PVA Glue over sand to seal
  4. Prime Brown
  5. Basecoat ground Flat Earth :
  6. Airbrush Highlight Ground Buff
  7. Basecoat Road German Grey
  8. Airbrush Highlight Road Neutral Grey + Flat White 1:4
  9. Apply Markings with masking tape and Yriel Yellow
  10. Garnish with tufts and skulls


  1. Flat/Satin Varnish
  2. Base Rim Abaddon Black
AK Interactive
Varnish 1
  • AK11239 Varnish Gloss
AK Interactive 3rd Generation Acrylics 2
Standard 1
  • AK11113 Chocolate (Chipping)
Metallic 1
  • AK11210 Natural Steel
AK Interactive Abteilung 502
Base 2
  • Black
  • Raw Umber
Citadel Painting System 8
Base 3
  • Abaddon Black
  • Balthasar Gold
  • Mechanicus Standard Grey
Shade 1
  • Seraphim Sepia
Layer 2
  • Stormhost Silver
  • Yriel Yellow
Technical 2
  • Soulstone Blue
  • Waystone Green
Tamiya 7
Acrylic gloss 1
  • X-10 Gun Metal
Acrylic flat 6
  • XF-2 Flat White
  • XF-52 Flat Earth
  • XF-53 Neutral Grey
  • XF-57 Buff
  • XF-63 German Grey
  • XF-7 Flat Red
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