Tyranid Scheme

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  • Published
    05 Jul 2023
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Tyranid Skin

  1. Warpfiend Grey base coat for skin
  2. Fenrisian Grey base coat for all recess and joints
  3. Cover only skin with Dreadful Visage
  4. Wash of Drakenhof Nightshade for skin, Tyran Blue for joints
  5. Pick out skin highlights with Warpfiend Grey and joints with Fenrisian Grey
  6. Manually highlight or drybrush ~1:1 Warpfiend Grey Fenrisian Grey


Tyranid Carapace and Claws

  1. Basecoat of Warpfiend Grey for carapace + claws
  2. Cover most of carapace with 1:1 Warpfiend Grey Ushabti Bone
  3. Wash whole carapace with Targor Rageshade letting it settle in recesses and indentations
  4. 1:1 Warpfiend Grey Ushabti Bone to fix any shade mistakes
  5. Rough edge and flat surface highlight of Ushabti Bone
  6. Screaming Skull highlight or drybrush for the most raised edges / points
  7. OPTIONAL: Drybrush 1:1 Screaming Skull White Scar OR Praxeti White


Tyranid Brains (WIP)

  1. Base coat brain with Fenrisian Grey
  2. Layer on Volupus Pink
  3. Pick out raised brain bits with Fenrisian Grey
  4. Highlight select points with a 1:1 mix of Temple Guard Blue Fenrisian Grey
  5. Highlight finest points with 1:1 Fenrisian Grey White Scar
Citadel Painting System 12
Shade 3
  • Drakenhof Nightshade
  • Targor Rageshade
  • Tyran Blue
Layer 6
  • Fenrisian Grey
  • Screaming Skull
  • Temple Guard Blue
  • Ushabti Bone
  • Warpfiend Grey
  • White Scar
Dry 1
  • Praxeti White
Contrast 2
  • Dreadful Visage
  • Volupus Pink
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