Slapchop Fellgor Ravagers

Slapchop Fellgor Ravagers

  • Written by
  • Published
    22 Nov 2023
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Quick and easy way to paint an entire Fellgor Ravagers Kill team in a few hours. All paints used that are not linked are from the SpeedPaints 2.0 range.

  1. Prime in Chaos Black
  2. Drybrush Neutral Grey all over
  3. Catch all the highest points and major details with a White drybrush
  4. All skin is painted with Noble Skin
  5. Hair is painted with Desolate Brown
  6. Cloth is painted with Dusk Red
  7. Leather is painted with Satchel Brown
  8. Straps and hooves are all painted with Occultist Cloak . If you are careful when painting straps and only focus on the center you can get a nice white highlight from the dry brushing previously.
  9. Head cloth are painted with Moody Mauve
  10. Bone elements are done with Bony Matter
  11. Any of the wrappings around the arms and hands is done with Ochre Clay
  12. Guns and armour is painted with Enchanted Steel . When dried use a layer of Occultist Cloak on the handles of weapons and things to separate the metallic elements from the stock of the weapon.
  13. The center armour pieces are Brazen Copper
  14. Grenades are Gunner Camo
  15. The entire model is coated with Marine Juice. Which is the mixture of 1 to 1 mix of a Dark Tone & Reikland Fleshshade combination mixed with Lahmian Medium . If you dont like the glossy effect just give it a matte spray/brush on afterwords
  16. When that's dry paint the eyes a White and when it dries give it some Ironjawz Yellow or any yellow contrast/speedpaint you may have
  17. The bases are done with Martian Ironcrust and when dried a layer of Fire Drake is applied on top.
  18. Black is painted on the rims
Citadel Painting System 5
Shade 1
  • Reikland Fleshshade
Technical 1
  • Lahmian Medium
Texture 1
  • Martian Ironcrust
Spray 1
  • Chaos Black
Contrast 1
  • Ironjawz Yellow
The Army Painter Speedpaint 2.0 12
Speedpaint 10
  • Bony Matter
  • Desolate Brown
  • Dusk Red
  • Fire Drake
  • Gunner Camo
  • Moody Mauve
  • Noble Skin
  • Occultist Cloak
  • Ochre Clay
  • Satchel Brown
Metallic 2
  • Brazen Copper
  • Enchanted Steel
The Army Painter Warpaints
Quickshade 1
  • Dark Tone
Vallejo Model Color
Base 3
  • 70.950 Black
  • 70.951 White
  • 70.992 Neutral Grey
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