Killteam Veteran Guardsmen

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  • Published
    07 Apr 2024
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Base Colors and base Shading

  1. Undercoat with Chaos Black
  2. Paint helmet, coat and trousers with Luftwaffe Camouflage Green
    Paint leather belts and bags with Leather Brown
  3. Shade Luftwaffe Camouflage Green with Nuln Oil
  4. Apply German Camouflage Beige WWII on sleeping bag and gaiters.
  5. Apply Agrax Earthshade on sleeping bag, gaiters and all leather parts.


  1. Apply a 50/50 mix of Flat Green and Luftwaffe Camouflage Green as first highlight to helmet, coat and trousers.
  2. Apply Luftwaffe Camouflage Green as second highlight to helmet, coat and trousers.
  3. Apply a 50/50 mix of Luftwaffe Camouflage Green : and Lime Green to helmet, coat and trousers.
  4. Use Lime Green for edge highlights and to highlights very raised areas.
  5. Highlight leather parts with Leather Brown .
  6. Highlight sleeping bag and gaiters with German Camouflage Beige WWII .
Citadel Painting System 3
Shade 2
  • Agrax Earthshade
  • Nuln Oil
Spray 1
  • Chaos Black
Vallejo Model Color
Base 5
  • 70.821 German Camouflage Beige WWII
  • 70.823 Luftwaffe Camouflage Green
  • 70.827 Lime Green
  • 70.871 Leather Brown
  • 70.968 Flat Green
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