Ork skin

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  • Published
    16 Apr 2024
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  1. Zenithal prime the miniature with black and white.
  2. Basecoat the skin with Caliban Green
  3. Mix 1:1 ratio of Caliban Green and Moot Green and apply on skin
  4. Further highlight skin with Moot Green
  5. Mix a bit of Flash Gitz Yellow to Moot Green and edge hightlight
  6. Apply Cadian Fleshtone on skin like chin, elbows, knees or scars
  7. Glaze with a 1:1 ratio of Caliban Green and Moot Green where Cadian Fleshtone meets green.
  8. Create a wash with Caliban Green and apply on the areas covered with Cadian Fleshtone
  9. Glaze with Moot Green over Cadian Fleshtone for nightlights
Citadel Painting System 4
Base 1
  • Caliban Green
Layer 3
  • Cadian Fleshtone
  • Flash Gitz Yellow
  • Moot Green
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