Fawkes (Wasteland Warfare)

Fawkes (Wasteland Warfare)

  • Written by
  • Published
    19 May 2024
  • Updated
    19 May 2024
  • Shareable URL
  1. Prime Zandri Dust
  2. Pick out the jumpsuit with Cantabric Blue
  3. Wash the jumpsuit with Nuln Oil
  4. Drybrush jumpsuit with Mediterranean Blue
  5. Coat the boots and straps/belts in Black Legion
  6. Touch the skin back up with Zandri Dust
  7. Wash the skin with Mortarion Grime . Once dry, apply another coat.
  8. Drybrush the boots/highlight the other black elements with Stormvermin Fur
  9. Basecoat the weapon and backpack with Black Metal
  10. Wash the weapon and backpack with Basilicanum Grey
  11. Drybrush metals with Speed Metal
  12. Stipple Waaagh! Flesh onto the backpack cells.
  13. Paint the jumpsuit stripes with Averland Sunset
  14. Wash the backpack and stripes with Agrax Earthshade - can also tint the shadows of the flesh with this.

Starred by znewbie

Citadel Painting System 10
Base 3
  • Averland Sunset
  • Waaagh! Flesh
  • Zandri Dust
Shade 3
  • Agrax Earthshade
  • Mortarion Grime
  • Nuln Oil
Layer 1
  • Stormvermin Fur
Spray 1
  • Zandri Dust
Contrast 2
  • Basilicanum Grey
  • Black Legion
Scale75 Scalecolor 4
Scalecolor 2
  • SC-51 Mediterranean Blue
  • SC-53 Cantabric Blue
Metal n' Alchemy 2
  • SC-63 Black Metal
  • SC-66 Speed Metal
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