Lethis Stormcast Eternals (Age of Sigmar)

Lethis Stormcast Eternals (Age of Sigmar)

  • Written by
  • Published
    12 Jul 2024
  • Updated
    17 Jul 2024
  • Shareable URL

Pitted, worn metal:

  1. Prime with Leadbelcher or equivalent (I used Colour Forge's Silver).
  2. Coat the entirety of the metal parts with Vallejo's Environment Rust Texture
  3. Drybrush entire mini heavily with Black Metal
  4. Lightly drybrush Thrash Metal on the higher surfaces.
  5. Tint the scales with Basilicanum Grey
  6. Tint any brass elements with Snakebite Leather

Other basecoats

  1. Weapon wraps and leather with Vallejo Model Color Black.
  2. Scrollwork etc with Rakarth Flesh
  3. Robes and shoulderpads with Barak-Nar Burgundy
  4. Gems and inner-robes with Matt White


  1. Wash the white areas with Soulblight Grey
  2. Wash the purples and creams with Agrax Earthshade


  1. Work up through Barak-Nar Burgundy , Screamer Pink and Pink Horror
  2. Light drybrush or fine highlights with Rakarth Flesh
  3. Tint the gems with Terradon Turquoise
  4. Wash Nihilakh Oxide in suitable areas across the brass


  1. Coat with Vallejo Dark Earth and then basecoat it black.
  2. Drybrush Stormvermin Fur then Screaming Skull
Citadel Painting System 13
Base 3
  • Barak-Nar Burgundy
  • Rakarth Flesh
  • Screamer Pink
Shade 2
  • Agrax Earthshade
  • Soulblight Grey
Layer 3
  • Pink Horror
  • Screaming Skull
  • Stormvermin Fur
Technical 1
  • Nihilakh Oxide
Spray 1
  • Leadbelcher
Contrast 3
  • Basilicanum Grey
  • Snakebite Leather
  • Terradon Turquoise
Scale75 Scalecolor
Metal n' Alchemy 2
  • SC-63 Black Metal
  • SC-64 Thrash Metal
The Army Painter Warpaints
Acrylic 1
  • Matt White
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