ISF - Planetary Camo

  • Written by
  • Published
    03 Aug 2024
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As part of an elite task force, the Empire's Imperial Special Forces match their equipment with their deployment. Use this to give your ISF an alien woodland camo scheme and end the rebellion once and for all.

  1. Prime the model in Black .

Clothing & Leathers

  1. Base the camouflaged area in Deep Green . Two thin coats.
  2. Begin your camouflage pattern with thing stripes of Cavalry Brown . Don't be afraid to overdo it in this step as you next steps can cut back that amount of brown showing.
  3. Repeat with Dark Emerald , and finally with German Camouflage Bright Green .
  4. Paint the leather boots, gloves, holster with German Grey .
  5. For these areas, go over all with a 2:1 mix of Drakenhof Nightshade and Lahmian Medium . We want to tint everything to appear blue-ish, and by thinning the paint should run into the many recesses found in the cloth. Remember to also hit the leather areas painted in the last step.


  1. Start the armor with a base coat of German Camouflage Dark Green .
  2. [OPTIONAL] Apply army markings at this stage with Bold Pyrrole Red and squad markings with your choice of German Camouflage Bright Green , Dark Emerald , or Amaranth Red .
  3. Base coat the weapon with Dark Grey .
  4. Hit these newly painted areas with Nuln Oil . Work quickly to avoid pooling.

Finishing Details

  1. Bring up highlights on the leather areas, carefully applying layers of Dark Grey , Deep Grey , up to Uniform Grey with a gentle spot highlight of White Scar mixed in.
  2. Be careful not to touch your camouflage too much. Bring up some highlights with Dark Emerald mixed with White Blue and German Camouflage Bright Green .
  3. Apply Bold Pyrrole Red where it has previously been applied, and additionally on the armor lights and weapon scope and laser. Highlight these areas with Wild Rider Red .
  4. Touch up your squad markings with the appropriate color.
  5. Thin Black Legion and apply to detailed areas of the helmet, weapons, and if appropriate continue to thin and darken your leathered areas.
  6. Use German Camouflage Dark Green and gradually mix in some White Scar to edge highlight the armor.
  7. Paint the lenses in the helmet with Moot Green and bring it back with thinned Karandras Green .
Citadel Painting System 8
Shade 2
  • Drakenhof Nightshade
  • Nuln Oil
Layer 3
  • Moot Green
  • White Scar
  • Wild Rider Red
Technical 1
  • Lahmian Medium
Contrast 2
  • Black Legion
  • Karandras Green
Monument Creature Caster Pro Acryl 3
Base 1
  • 003 Bold Pyrrole Red
Signature Series: Vince Venturella 1
  • S04 White Blue
Signature Series: Matt Cexwish 1
  • S20 Dark Emerald
The Army Painter Warpaints Fanatic
Acrylic 2
  • Deep Grey
  • Uniform Grey
Vallejo Game Color
Base 1
  • 72.051 Black
Vallejo Model Color
Base 7
  • 70.829 Amaranth Red
  • 70.833 German Camouflage Bright Green
  • 70.970 Deep Green
  • 70.979 German Camouflage Dark Green
  • 70.982 Cavalry Brown
  • 70.994 Dark Grey
  • 70.995 German Grey
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