A paint recipe for the Age of Sigmar subfaction of Cities of Sigmar.
I prefer to base my models before priming. Base models with Stirland Battlemire or any other texture you prefer.- Zenithal prime the model with airbrush, starting with Black , highlighting with Cold Grey , and a bright highlight of White .
- Begin by basecoating any metal armor, helmets, shield trim, etc. with Black Legion .
- Stipple Shining Silver liberally all over metal areas.
- Shade with a 2:1 mixture of Contrast Medium and Black Legion all over the metal.
- (OPTIONAL) Different colored metals such as Hashut Copper , Dwarven Gold , Retributor Armour , or Brass Scorpion can be applied at this time. Gives these a good wash of Reikland Fleshshade .
- To finish off the metal, apply a drybrush of Leadbelcher .
Apply Color
- Apply 2 coats of Ushabti Bone on the wooden shields.
- Apply 2-3 coats of Averland Sunset over primary cloth areas, such as tunics, flags, and sashes.
Shade the two previous areas (shields and cloth) with Casandora Yellow .- Highlight (or drybrush) the raised areas of the wooden shield with Screaming Skull .
Secondary cloth areas receive a coat of Jade : and mixed in highlights of Bright Jade .- Coat all leather with Brown Leather and Saddle Brown .
- Weapons with wooden handles get a coat of Wyldwood .
Transfers, Washes, then Skin
- Apply Corax White to any areas where transfers will be applied.
- Prep transfer areas with thinned Ardcoat . Apply transfers, and seal with another coat of Ardcoat .
- Leaving skin untouched for now, prepare the model for a full wash. Apply a wash mixture of 4:2:1 Lahmian Medium , Agrax Earthshade , and Seraphim Sepia all over the model (I recommend shading any blue cloth with Drakenhof Nightshade or Nuln Oil instead).
- Optionally you can deepen the shade in some areas by applying a thinned Agrax Earthshade to recesses. This looks good in the corners of the shields.
Use your favorite skin tone recipe, or use one of the following:
- Cadian Fleshtone , wash Reikland Fleshshade , highlight Cadian Fleshtone and mix-in Kislev Flesh .
- Catachan Fleshtone :, wash Agrax Earthshade , highlight Catachan Fleshtone and mix-in Bloodreaver Flesh
- Kislev Flesh , wash thinned Doomfire Magenta or Shyish Purple , highlight Kislev Flesh and mix-in Flayed One Flesh .
Final Details and Highlights
For the bases:
- Paint the basing with Cygor Brown , drybrush Flat Earth with some hitting the boots.
- For any stones on the basing, apply Castle Grey and then drybrush Ash Grey .
- Apply a thinned wash of Seraphim Sepia .
For the model:
- Highlight the yellow cloth with Skulker Yellow .
- Hightlight leather with Saddle Brown .
- Highlight the sigil with Corax White .
- Highlight any wooden shields with Screaming Skull .