Slaanesh Daemonettes

Slaanesh Daemonettes

  • Written by
  • Published
    26 Feb 2020
  • Shareable URL


  1. 50/50 Basic Flesh Pink Flesh
  2. Shade Eldandil Violet
  3. (touch up with base layers)
  4. Highlight with Light Skin
  5. Highlight with Pale Skin

Metal including weapons, rivets, and jewelry

  1. Thrash Metal
  2. Add shadows with Black and Thrash Metal
  3. Highlight with Heavy Metal
  4. Edge highlight with Speed Metal


  1. Artic Blue
  2. Highlight with White


  1. Sunset Purple
  2. Highlight with 1:2 Sunset Purple and Squid Pink
  3. Highlight with Squid Pink

Natural Weapons

  1. Black
  2. Airbrush on top 2/3 Violet Blue feathered out
  3. Airbrush on top 1/3 Squid Pink (take care not to get to 100% opacity or you wont be able to edge)
  4. Edge highligh Squid Pink


  1. Inktense Black heavily diluted with water, apply in several coats to maintain control


  1. Walnut
  2. Heavy drybrush Thar Brown
  3. Light drybrush Birch
  4. Only on the bones, light drybrush Mojave White
Scale75 Scalecolor 18
Scalecolor 13
  • SC-00 Black
  • SC-01 White
  • SC-05 Artic Blue
  • SC-17 Pale Skin
  • SC-18 Light Skin
  • SC-20 Basic Flesh
  • SC-21 Pink Flesh
  • SC-25 Birch
  • SC-29 Walnut
  • SC-33 Sunset Purple
  • SC-56 Violet Blue
  • SC-61 Thar Brown
  • SC-62 Mojave White
Metal n' Alchemy 3
  • SC-64 Thrash Metal
  • SC-65 Heavy Metal
  • SC-66 Speed Metal
Inktensity 1
  • SC-79 Inktense Black
Fantasy & Games 1
  • SFG-27 Eldandil Violet
Vallejo Game Air
Base 1
  • 72.713 Squid Pink
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