Comprehensive Paint Guide for Xandires Truthseekers (Stormcast Eternals)

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    13 Sep 2024
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  1. Xandire’s Truthseekers – Efficient Painting Guide
    Xandire’s Truthseekers are a noble Stormcast Eternal warband tasked with uncovering ancient knowledge across the Mortal Realms. Their golden armor and celestial blue cloaks reflect their divine origins, while their bases are symbolic of the crumbling ruins they explore. This guide focuses on efficiency, grouping similar painting steps across the models for consistent results while keeping unique details for each figure.

    1. Armor (Gold) – Shared Across All Models
    The signature gold armor of the Stormcast Eternals is a defining feature for all models, including Kyrae’s helmet.

    Basecoat: Apply Retributor Armour to all gold armor sections.
    Shade: Use Reikland Fleshshade in the recesses for depth.
    Layer: Reapply Retributor Armour to raised surfaces, leaving the recesses shaded.
    Highlight: Use Stormhost Silver for edge highlights on sharp armor edges. Optionally, glaze with Lamenters Yellow for a warmer finish and smoother transitions.
    2. Cloaks and Cloth (Blue & White) – Used on Multiple Models
    Blue Cloaks (Xandire, Dhoraz, Kyrae)
    Basecoat: Use Kantor Blue for the cloaks.
    Shade: Apply Drakenhof Nightshade into the folds and recesses.
    Layer: Use Altdorf Guard Blue on the raised areas.
    Highlight: Edge highlight with Fenrisian Grey. Optionally glaze with Guilliman Blue to smooth transitions.
    White Cloth (Xandire, Dhoraz)
    Basecoat: Apply Celestra Grey to the white inner cloak and trim.
    Layer: Use Ulthuan Grey on the raised areas.
    Highlight: Highlight with White Scar on the sharpest edges.
    3. Weapons and Details – Common Across All Models
    Metal Weapons and Lantern Casings
    Basecoat: Use Leadbelcher for metallic areas like weapons and lantern casings.
    Shade: Apply Nuln Oil to the recesses.
    Highlight: Edge highlight with Stormhost Silver.
    Leather Straps and Handles
    Basecoat: Use Rhinox Hide for all leather areas.
    Shade: Apply Agrax Earthshade to the straps and handles.
    Highlight: Use Gorthor Brown or Doombull Brown to highlight the edges of the straps and handles.
    4. Lanterns (Xandire, Dhoraz)
    Lanterns symbolize the warband’s search for truth. Here's how to create a glowing effect:

    Lantern Casing Basecoat: Use Leadbelcher for the casing.
    Light Source Basecoat: Paint the light inside the lantern with Yriel Yellow.
    Shade: Use Reikland Fleshshade to create depth around the light source.
    Highlight: Apply White Scar on the brightest points of the light for a glowing effect.
    5. Kyrae – Stormcast Archer Specific Details
    Bow and Quiver

    Basecoat: Use Mournfang Brown for the wood.
    Shade: Apply Agrax Earthshade.
    Highlight: Use Gorthor Brown along the raised sections.
    Bowstring: Basecoat with Steel Legion Drab, then highlight with Karak Stone for added definition.

    Basecoat: Use Rhinox Hide, wash with Agrax Earthshade, and highlight with Doombull Brown.
    Paint the arrowheads with Leadbelcher and highlight with Stormhost Silver.
    6. Aetherwing – Bird Companion
    The Aetherwing has a smooth transition between blue and white on its wings, achieved through blending and feathering techniques.

    Feathers and Body
    Body Basecoat: Use Ulthuan Grey for the main body and lower wings.
    Shade: Apply Nuln Oil in the recesses, avoiding the raised areas.
    Body Highlight: Drybrush the raised areas with Ulthuan Grey to brighten the high points.
    Wings (Blue-to-White Gradient)
    Upper Wing Basecoat: Apply Kantor Blue to the upper wings, blending into the Ulthuan Grey at the tips.
    Layer and Blend: Use Altdorf Guard Blue to smooth the transition between Kantor Blue and Ulthuan Grey. Apply thin layers to achieve a smooth blend.
    Highlight: Use Fenrisian Grey on the blue feathers and drybrush Ulthuan Grey on the white areas for texture and realism.
    Glazing: Use Guilliman Blue to glaze over the transition areas, softening any harsh lines.
    Beak and Claws
    Basecoat: Use Abaddon Black for the beak and claws.
    Highlight: Use Eshin Grey on the edges for a subtle finish.
    Basecoat: Use Yriel Yellow for the eyes and add a small dot of White Scar for a bright reflection.
    7. Faces
    For Xandire and Dhoraz, follow these steps for their exposed faces:

    Basecoat: Use Cadian Fleshtone for the skin.
    Shade: Apply Reikland Fleshshade to the recesses of the face.
    Layer: Use Kislev Flesh on the raised areas like the nose, cheeks, and brow.
    Highlight: Apply Flayed One Flesh to the sharpest edges like the chin, brow, and cheekbones.
    8. Bases – Stone Ruins
    The Truthseekers stand on ancient, crumbling ruins. Follow these steps for their bases:

    Basecoat: Apply Mechanicus Standard Grey to the stone.
    Shade: Use Nuln Oil to darken recesses.
    Drybrush: Use Dawnstone to highlight the texture.
    Highlight: Apply a final drybrush of Administratum Grey for the highest points.
    Tree on Aetherwing Base
    Basecoat: Use Dryad Bark for the tree.
    Shade: Apply Agrax Earthshade.
    Highlight: Use Gorthor Brown for raised edges, and a final drybrush of Karak Stone to bring out the bark's texture.
    9. Final Touches and Varnishing
    Glazing: Use Lamenters Yellow on the gold armor and Guilliman Blue on the blue cloaks to smooth color transitions.
    Varnish: Once everything is fully dry, apply a matte varnish like Munitorum Varnish for protection. For metallic areas, consider using a gloss varnish to enhance the shine.
    This guide provides efficient painting instructions while ensuring the individual details of each model are maintained. The focus on blending, feathering, and glazing techniques will help achieve smooth transitions and realistic textures, particularly on the Aetherwing's wings. Enjoy bringing Xandire’s Truthseekers to life!