WIP Tutorial

Cadian Shock Troops - monotone light gray

  • Written by
  • Published
    21 Sep 2024
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Very budget and battle ready version of gray urban-like color scheme for basic Astra Militarum troops.
(mainly recorded for myself so I don't forget the paints and paint order :v)

Cadian Shock Trooper (basic lasgun variant)

  1. Prime the model black using Black spray.
  2. Base coat the cloth uniform with Company Grey .
  3. Base coat all armor parts with Deep Grey .
  4. Base coat the backpack, any pouches, bags and weapon slings with Bootstrap Brown .
  5. If the model has a sleeping bag or any other cloth accessories, base coat them with Leather Brown .
  6. Base coat all exposed weapon parts and blades with Gun Metal .
  7. Base coat visible skin with Opal Skin .
  8. Base coat any grenades, canteens and other decorative metal elements with Plate Mail Metal .
  9. Base coat shoes, belt and any weapon housings with Matt Black . If weapon's body is still mainly black from primer without much mistakes from previous base coats, only painting large flat surfaces will suffice to keep paint finish consistent across the model.
  10. Wash the whole model with thin coat of Strong Tone .
  11. Glaze lighter areas of the cloth uniform with thin layer of Company Grey .
  12. Edge highlight cloth uniform with Brigade Grey .
  13. Glaze larger, exposed flat surfaces of the armor with thin layer of Deep Grey .
  14. Edge highlight the backpack and any other pouches with Leather Brown .
  15. Edge highlight any cloth accessories with Paratrooper Tan
  16. Paint the aquillas and other imperial insignias with Gun Metal .

Vox-caster equipment

  1. Base the radio with Gun Metal .
  2. Wash the whole radio with Nuln Oil .

Plasma weaponry

  1. Basecoat any plasma coils with Matt White .
  2. Cover the white base with Hexwraith Flame contrast.
  3. Lightly drybrush the coils with Rainforest , allowing a bit of paint to catch surrounding edges to create an illusion of a faint glow.


  1. Cover the base with Vallejo Russian Mud paste.
  2. Heavily wash the dried base with Strong Tone focusing on recesses in the paste.
  3. Heavily dry brush with Leather Brown .
  4. Dry brush with Paratrooper Tan , letting a bit of paint on the shoes of the model to add a bit of weathering.
  5. Coat the base rim with Bootstrap Brown .
Citadel Painting System 2
Shade 1
  • Nuln Oil
Contrast 1
  • Hexwraith Flame
The Army Painter Warpaints Fanatic 13
Acrylic 10
  • Bootstrap Brown
  • Brigade Grey
  • Company Grey
  • Deep Grey
  • Leather Brown
  • Matt Black
  • Matt White
  • Opal Skin
  • Paratrooper Tan
  • Rainforest
Metallic 2
  • Gun Metal
  • Plate Mail Metal
Wash 1
  • Strong Tone
Vallejo Hobby Spray Paint
Base 1
  • 28.012 Black
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