Rainforest Bases

Rainforest Bases

  • Written by
  • Published
    02 Oct 2024
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These bases started as an excuse to use up some wonderful basing bits, kindly sent to me by Goonmaster Games. I really like how they turned out, though. I can definitely see me using this for Catachan bases, whenever we are blessed with new models.

Forest Floor

  1. I basecoated with a dark brown. Specifically 2 parts Rhinox Hide , 1 part Dryad Bark and 1 part Abaddon Black . I almost certainly overcomplicated things here though, you could probably get a similar result with just Rhinox Hide .
  2. Now we add some variety in tones to the flooring. I do this by making my own washes with one part paint and two parts water (with a little flow improver in there). Now I place these in patches over my basecoat, not being scared to let them mix where they meet. For my colours I used Incubi Darkness , Mournfang Brown and Abaddon Black .
  3. Drybrush with Gorthor Brown .
  4. Lightly overbrush with Ushabti Bone .


  1. Basecoat with Steel Legion Drab .
  2. Wash with Agrax Earthshade .
  3. Edge highlight with Baneblade Brown .
  4. Selectively highlight with Karak Stone .
  5. Mix some White into your Karak Stone and add a few small/specular highlights.

Rich Green Plants

  1. Basecoat with 1:1 Moot Green & Waaagh! Flesh .
  2. Wash with Coelia Greenshade .
  3. Increase the amount of Moot Green in the base mix, and add some Elysian Green too. Now edge highlight everything.
  4. Mix Ice Yellow (or Dorn Yellow ) 1:1 with some of the base mix and selectively highlight.
  5. Finish with very small highlights of pure Ice Yellow .

Desaturated Green Plants

  1. Basecoat with Loren Forest .
  2. Wash with Coelia Greenshade .
  3. Drybrush with Straken Green , to bring out the raised details.
  4. Lightly drybrush from a downward 45 degree angle with a mix of Straken Green and Ice Yellow (or Dorn Yellow ).
  5. Add very small/specular highlights with pure Ice Yellow .

Green Plants

  1. Basecoat with 1:1 Death Guard Green and Ogryn Camo .
  2. Wash with Militarum Green .
  3. Highlight and edge highlight with the same 1:1 Death Guard Green and Ogryn Camo . You are basically just restoring the base colour in relevant places here.
  4. Mix a portion of the remaining basecoat 1:1 with Krieg Khaki . Use this to selectively highlight the plants.
  5. Now mix the paint from the last stage 1:1 with some White . Finish the plants with small highlights.

Red Rocks

  1. Basecoat with German Red Brown .
  2. Wash with Reikland Fleshshade , if deeper recesses need more definition, shade with some thinned Agrax Earthshade .
  3. Highlights with Tuskgor Fur .
  4. More selective highlights of Karak Stone .
  5. If any corners need an extra bit of "pop", add small/specular highlight of Screaming Skull

Dried Leaves

  1. Basecoat with Ogryn Camo .
  2. Wash with a 1:1 mix of Athonian Camoshade and Seraphim Sepia . You may need a second coat to make the pigment strong enough.
  3. With 1:1 Ogryn Camo and Screaming Skull , add highlights and edge highlights.
  4. Finish with small/specular highlights of Screaming Skull .

Rookie Brushes


Aspiring miniature painter and biscuit enthusiast. Here to share my hobby and help where I can.

Citadel Painting System 27
Base 8
  • Abaddon Black
  • Death Guard Green
  • Dryad Bark
  • Incubi Darkness
  • Mournfang Brown
  • Rhinox Hide
  • Steel Legion Drab
  • Waaagh! Flesh
Shade 5
  • Agrax Earthshade
  • Athonian Camoshade
  • Coelia Greenshade
  • Reikland Fleshshade
  • Seraphim Sepia
Layer 13
  • Baneblade Brown
  • Dorn Yellow
  • Elysian Green
  • Gorthor Brown
  • Karak Stone
  • Krieg Khaki
  • Loren Forest
  • Moot Green
  • Ogryn Camo
  • Screaming Skull
  • Straken Green
  • Tuskgor Fur
  • Ushabti Bone
Contrast 1
  • Militarum Green
Vallejo Model Air
Base 1
  • 71.271 German Red Brown
Vallejo Model Color
Base 2
  • 70.858 Ice Yellow
  • 70.951 White
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