Lord Solar Leontus

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  • Published
    22 Dec 2024
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Gold Armour

  1. Base - Retributor Armour
  2. Wash - Reikland Fleshshade
  3. Highlight - Liberator Gold

Light Gold

  1. Base - Liberator Gold
  2. Highlight - White Gold or Liberator Gold + Stormhost Silver
  3. Wash - Reikland Fleshshade
  4. Highlight - Stormhost Silver

Silver / Titan Head

  1. Base Leadbelcher
  2. Shade Nuln Oil
  3. Highlight Stormhost Silver

Horse Creams

  1. Cream Base - Screaming Skull
  2. Wash - 1:2 Skeleton Horde + Contrast Medium
  3. Highlight - Screaming Skull

Horse Whites

  1. Wash - Soulblight Grey
  2. Highlight - White Scar

Horse Tail

  1. Base - 1:2 Black Templar Contrast Medium
  2. 2/3rds - 1:2 Black Templar Contrast Medium
  3. 1/3rd - 1:2 Black Templar Contrast Medium

Horse Lenses

  1. Base - Evil Sunz Scarlet

Straps / Scabbard / Saddle / Titan Head

  1. Base - Abaddon Black
  2. Highlight - Eshin Grey
  3. Highlight - Dawnstone


  1. Base - Khorne Red
  2. Highlight - 1:1 Khorne Red + Mephiston Red
  3. Highlight - Mephiston Red
  4. Highlight - Evil Sunz Scarlet


  1. Base - Apothecary White + Contrast Medium
  2. Highlight - White Scar


  1. Base - Fenrisian Grey
  2. Shade - Drakenhof Nightshade
  3. Highlight - Fenrisian Grey
  4. Blue Horror


  1. Base - Cadian Fleshtone
  2. Shade - Reikland Fleshshade
  3. Highlight - Cadian Fleshtone
  4. Highlight - Kislev Flesh
  5. Teeth - White Scar


  1. Base - Balthasar Gold
  2. Shade - Nuln Oil
  3. Rust - Nihilakh Oxide
Citadel Painting System 26
Base 6
  • Abaddon Black
  • Balthasar Gold
  • Khorne Red
  • Leadbelcher
  • Mephiston Red
  • Retributor Armour
Shade 4
  • Drakenhof Nightshade
  • Nuln Oil
  • Reikland Fleshshade
  • Soulblight Grey
Layer 11
  • Blue Horror
  • Cadian Fleshtone
  • Dawnstone
  • Eshin Grey
  • Evil Sunz Scarlet
  • Fenrisian Grey
  • Kislev Flesh
  • Liberator Gold
  • Screaming Skull
  • Stormhost Silver
  • White Scar
Technical 2
  • Contrast Medium
  • Nihilakh Oxide
Contrast 3
  • Apothecary White
  • Black Templar
  • Skeleton Horde
Monument Creature Caster Pro Acryl
Metallic 1
  • 029 White Gold
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