- Prime Black
- Slapchop Grey / White - Gray Primer White Primer
- Bracers, Kneepads, Epaulets, Helmet Accents - Maize Yellow
- Bracer central, chestpiece, boot armor - Runic Grey
- Tunic, Pants, Gloves, - Gravelord Grey
- Boots, Belts / Straps, Helmet Primary - Grim Black
- Drybrush on yellow from Step 3 - Flash Gitz Yellow
- Shade yellow areas with Casandora Yellow
- Drybrush on grey from step 4 - Uniform Grey
- Buckles, Helmet tubing - Plate Mail Metal
- Weapons, Boot Guard Highlights - Gun Metal
- Shield - Overbrush Death Metal
- Silencers, gun accents - Grim Black
- Wash with Nuln Oil or Dark Tone
- Eyes - Highlight with Pure Red
- Eyes - Dragon Red