- Prime a metallic silver (Colour Forge Silver is what I used), then coat it in Vallejo Environments Rust Texture.
- Heavily drybrush the armour with Cobalt Metal - I initially did this with Amethyst Alchemy but I think this step can be skipped.
- Using Magos Purple , I tint all of the non-time armour metallics.
- I then basecoat any weapon edges, hair and fur with White , leather with Corvus Black , cloth with Daemonette Hide and inner cloaks/horns with Zandri Dust
- All of the fur/hair is washed with Dreadful Visage , the cloth/cloaks with Agrax Earthshade / Targor Rageshade and the weapon edges with Briar Queen Chill . The horns were tinted with Agrax Earthshade
- Super fine edge highlight on any upward facing edges with Speed Metal on metallics and White on weapons/fur/hair.
- Chunky highlight of The Fang on the black areas.
- Inner cloaks drybrushed with Rakarth Flesh
- Purple cloth drybrushed with Xereus Purple , Barak-Nar Burgundy then Screamer Pink
- Base is AK Neutral Texture for Rough Terrain, followed by a thinned wash of Briar Queen Chill and a drybrush of White