Knights of the Precipice armour

Knights of the Precipice armour

  • Written by
  • Published
    06 Sep 2021
  • Updated
    04 Feb 2025
  • Shareable URL

The recipe for the armours and helmets of the Knights of the Precipice Stormhost.
I recommend using a soft-bristled brush for the drybrushing, while a stiff-bristled one for the stippling.


  1. Apply a basecoat of Warplock Bronze (stippling helps for a faster basecoat step, but apply regularly in spots that are hard to reach).
  2. Shade generously with Nuln Oil . Be sure it doesn't pool too much, but no big deal if it does.
  3. Drybrush gently with Warplock Bronze to regain tone.
  4. Drybrush with Gehenna's Gold taking great care of using the gentlest touch possible. This step will make the bronze shinier and adds a little bit of variation and natural highlights.
  5. Drybrush with Natural Steel (or Ironbreaker I think) again with great care. This will make some spots shinier and add a little bit of battle damage.
  6. Apply a filter of Barak-Nar Burgundy heavily diluting it with any medium you have ( Lahmian Medium , Water+ or regular water if you don't have any). Apply this all over the armour to give it a slight puprle tint.
  7. Basecoat all the rims and decorations with Gehenna's Gold .
  8. Stipple randomly the armour and the gold parts with Natural Steel (or Ironbreaker ) to add battle damages and scratches.
  9. Basecoat the scale mail skirts with Natural Steel (or Ironbreaker ).
  10. Wash the armour and the gold parts with Nuln Oil . Go heavy with it on the gold and scale mail parts but thin it 1:2 with any medium when applying to the armour.

Helmet and scrolls

  1. Basecoat the helmet and with Pale Sand (or Wraithbone ). Do the same on the scrolls if present.
  2. Basecoat the gold decorations with Gehenna's Gold .
  3. If present, basecoat the plume and/or gem with Word Bearers Red .
  4. Wash the bone-coloured part with Agrax Earthshade . Do the same on the scrolls if present.
  5. Wash the gold decorations (and plume and/or gem if present) with Nuln Oil .
  6. Drybrush the plume if present with Mephiston Red . Apply the same colour regularly on the gem if present. You can add a dot of Fire Dragon Bright on the gem to make it brighter.


I will drybrush and stipple everything you love.

Citadel Painting System 11
Base 4
  • Barak-Nar Burgundy
  • Mephiston Red
  • Warplock Bronze
  • Wraithbone
Shade 2
  • Agrax Earthshade
  • Nuln Oil
Layer 4
  • Fire Dragon Bright
  • Gehenna's Gold
  • Ironbreaker
  • Word Bearers Red
Technical 1
  • Lahmian Medium
Provectus 1
  • Water+
Vallejo Model Color 2
Base 1
  • 70.837 Pale Sand
Metallic 1
  • 70.864 Natural Steel
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