Into the Dark Verdigris Bronze Gallowdark Terrain

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  • Published
    09 Dec 2022
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The bronzed halls of the Gallowdark Space Hulk, millennia have turned it's once dark golden walls into a claustrophobic verdigris maze of lost Imperial Technology.

  1. Undercoat Chaos Black
  2. Airbrush Warplock Bronze
  3. Airbrush from a close to perpendicular angle Brass Scorpion
  4. Airbrush Watered down 50/50 Nihilakh Oxide
  5. Heavy Drybrush Brass Scorpion
  6. Airbrush Watered down 50/50 Nihilakh Oxide
  7. Light Drybrush Brass Scorpion
  8. Rough crevasse touch up with Nihilakh Oxide
  9. Screens, Cabling, Skulls etc.
  10. Typhus Corrosion around base and grimy areas.
Citadel Painting System 5
Base 1
  • Warplock Bronze
Layer 1
  • Brass Scorpion
Technical 2
  • Nihilakh Oxide
  • Typhus Corrosion
Spray 1
  • Chaos Black
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