Stormcast Knight-Relictor

  • Written by
  • Published
    13 Aug 2023
  • Updated
    04 Feb 2025
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  1. Basecoat with Jade . Shadow with Jade . Highlight with Bright Jade , stipling some to add texture. Glaze with Jade at the end to unify the colors.
  2. Trim is Lendanis Grey , highlighted by mixing in White , up to pure white for the brightest points. Darkline with Jade .
  3. Tabard is basecoated with Arphen Jade , with some Eldandil Violet for shading and Airnrhod Blue for lighter areas. The comet was basecoated in white, and then Red Leather was applied to the tail. Glazes of Baal Red , Imperial Fist , up to White were done towards the center comet. At the end, Imperial Fist was mixed with Lahmian Medium about 1:3 to provide a tint over the white.

Steel Armor

  1. Steel armor was basecoated with Black Metal , highlighted with Heavy Metal , and final tips/edges were highlighted with Speed Metal . Two successive, relatively heavy coats of Nuln Oil were then applied to all of the metallics. After the wash dried, some edge highlights with Speed Metal were re-applied. Emerald Alchemy was used in some of the midtones to add some color into the mix. A light application of Agrax Earthshade was used on the areas around the skull on the chest to provide a bit of tone, as well as some areas on the backpack.

(Orange) Red Right Hand

  1. The right arm starts much like the steel armor, with Black Metal , Heavy Metal , and Speed Metal to get the initial volumes defined. A single coat of Nuln Oil is applied to bring out the tones.
  2. Blood Angels Red is mixed with Iyanden Yellow and Lahmian Medium in a roughly 2:2:3 ratio. I initially intended it to be 2:1:3, but it didn't get mixed properly. As such, it is more orangered than red tinted towards orange. This could be experimented with in the future to see how either mix looks. This entire mixture is applied over the steel to tint it in a thin coat.

Bronze Helm

  1. The helm is done with an initial coat of Decayed Metal and highlighted with Necro Gold . Some Speed Metal is mixed with the Necro Gold for final highlights.
  2. A wash of Agrax Earthshade is applied to the entire helmet to unite the colors and provide depth.
  3. A thinned Ruby Alchemy is used to add some color to the midtones, while trying to avoid overdoing it and making a red helmet.
  4. Some Necro Gold / Speed Metal is used to bring back the highest highlights.


  1. The weapons were initially done in the same way as the armor for the initial metallic applications.
  2. A layer of Amethyst Alchemy was then applied to the entirety of the weapons -- it didn't look good at first.
  3. Nuln Oil was then applied in 1-2 washes to bring back definition and depth to the metallics.
  4. Speed Metal were then used to bring back the highest highlights.
  5. Some Heavy Metal was used along the edges to provide some texture/differentiation on the blades.

Marble Base

  1. The marble base started with an airbrushed layer of Jade and a highlight of Jade all over the marble surface.
  2. A baby wipe was then dried out and stretched signficantly to create a mask that could be wrapped over the base, with a vast majority of the base showing through. We just want a few veins of the green to be left.
  3. A layer of Thar Brown was used initially on the marble.
  4. A layer of White followed.
  5. Wait until the paint is completely dry, and remove the baby wipe. There should be marble veining apparent on the base.
  6. Drybrush with pure white to further define the base.
  7. Gloss coat the marble.
  8. Apply a panel liner or wash to bring definition to any areas of the marble that need it. You don't necessarily want to go too dark. Try to dab away any residual wash from the surface.
Citadel Painting System 7
Shade 2
  • Agrax Earthshade
  • Nuln Oil
Technical 1
  • Lahmian Medium
Contrast 4
  • Baal Red
  • Blood Angels Red
  • Imperial Fist
  • Iyanden Yellow
Monument Creature Caster Pro Acryl 3
Base 2
  • 021 Jade
  • 067 Bright Jade
Signature Series: Vince Venturella 1
  • S01 Jade
Scale75 Scalecolor 15
Scalecolor 3
  • SC-01 White
  • SC-30 Red Leather
  • SC-61 Thar Brown
Metal n' Alchemy 8
  • SC-63 Black Metal
  • SC-65 Heavy Metal
  • SC-66 Speed Metal
  • SC-69 Emerald Alchemy
  • SC-70 Amethyst Alchemy
  • SC-71 Necro Gold
  • SC-87 Decayed Metal
  • SC-90 Ruby Alchemy
Fantasy & Games 4
  • SFG-27 Eldandil Violet
  • SFG-28 Arphen Jade
  • SFG-29 Airnrhod Blue
  • SFG-32 Lendanis Grey
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