Evocator on Dracoline

  • Written by
  • Published
    20 Sep 2023
  • Updated
    04 Feb 2025
  • Shareable URL

Steps for an Evocator on Dracoline. This is largely based on Duncan Rhode's Karazai tutorial.


  1. Prime the entire model with Wraithbone .
  2. Wash the entire model with a 1:1 thinned Skeleton Horde , thinned further with some water and flow improver. Avoid pooling in flat areas or flooding out creases. Just trying to establish definition across the model.
  3. Thin a mix of 1:1 Skeleton Horde and Gryph-hound Orange with additional water, and color the upper body upper legs to start defining the colored skin. Avoid the mouth, chin, and the bottom of the neck, body, and legs. As you apply the mix, wash your brush and feather out the edges to blend it into the Wraithbone.
  4. Apply a coat of Gryph-hound Orange thinned with water on a slightly smaller portion of the upper reaches of the model, again feathering the edges.
  5. Apply a 1:1 coat of Gryph-hound Orange and Blood Angels Red , again thinned with some water and feather the edges, to an increasingly smaller area of the model.
  6. Apply a thinned coat of pure Blood Angels Red (with water and feathered edges) to just the upwards facing back/shoulders of the Dracoline.
  7. Finally, create a mix of 3:1 Blood Angels Red and Baal Red , thin it some, and apply it to the very upper reaches of the back, tail, head, etc to pop the red.
  8. Thin some Mojave White and use it to brighten some of the visible white areas on the back of legs, chest, and mouth. You may need to do this in multiple thin coats. You can also apply this over the edges of the orange and bring it into the white to blend them further.\
  9. Glaze a very very thin coat of Iyanden Yellow (thinned with water) over the more red to red-orange areas of the skin. Feather out any areas that look obvious, though ideally it is thin enough that there aren't many. This should intensify the firey look of the orange and help blend the layers together.
  10. Around the face, apply some highlights to raised areas, ridges, horns, mouth, etc with a thinned Cerebrus Brown. Mix in some white and continue highlighting, ending with a few points of near-pure white on the highest areas of the face.


  1. Basecoat the scales with Bloodfest Crimson .
  2. Drybrush them from above with Asmodeus Red from Two Thin Coats.
  3. Drybrush from above with Fanatic Orange .
  4. Drybrush from above with a mix of Fanatic Orange and Cerebrus Brown.
  5. Drybrush very lightly with Cerebrus Brown alone.


  1. Basecoat the spines with a 2:1 mix of Huldra Blue and Red Leather . It should overall be a dark blue in tone.
  2. Mix in some Black to the mix and apply it to the tips of the spines. Repeat a few times, apply less black and more towards the tip of the spine each time.


  1. Basecoat the mouth with a 1:1 mix of Baal Crimson and White to make a pink.
  2. Once dry, wash the mouth with Agrax Earthshade .
  3. Apply a small highlight to the tongue with Mojave White .
  4. Basecoat the teeth and claws with Iroko .
  5. Wash the teeth/claws with Agrax Earthshade .
  6. Apply a highlight to the teeth/claws with Thar Brown .
  7. Apply a final highlight to the ends of the teeth with White .
  8. Apply some Magos Purple to the gums to give them a slightly different tone from the rest of the mouth.


  1. Apply Magos Purple around the eyes and to the eyelids to give them some tone.
  2. Apply a dot of pure White to the eyes to prime them.
  3. Over the white, apply Sol Yellow to define the iris.
  4. Using a thinned Black , apply a thin vertical line to complete the cat's eye appearance. If necessary, a small amount of flow improver can make the black flow much easier if the paint is drying or coming off unevenly.
Citadel Painting System 8
Shade 1
  • Agrax Earthshade
Spray 1
  • Wraithbone
Contrast 6
  • Baal Red
  • Blood Angels Red
  • Gryph-hound Orange
  • Iyanden Yellow
  • Magos Purple
  • Skeleton Horde
Scale75 Scalecolor 10
Scalecolor 7
  • SC-00 Black
  • SC-01 White
  • SC-27 Iroko
  • SC-30 Red Leather
  • SC-40 Sol Yellow
  • SC-61 Thar Brown
  • SC-62 Mojave White
Fantasy & Games 3
  • SFG-04 Baal Crimson
  • SFG-11 Bloodfest Crimson
  • SFG-26 Huldra Blue
Two Thin Coats
Midtone 1
  • Fanatic Orange
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