Sons of the Phoenix

Sons of the Phoenix

  • Written by
  • Published
    05 Oct 2023
  • Shareable URL

This scheme is for the Sons of the Phoenix Space Marine chapter.

White Armour

  1. Spray coat with Wraithbone .
  2. Paint all white areas with Ulthuan Grey . Take your time and do multiple thin coats as it can be difficult to see over the Wraithbone .
  3. Recess shade with Nuln Oil .
  4. Tidy up with Ulthuan Grey .
  5. Edge highlight with White Scar .
  6. Tidy up with Ulthuan Grey .


  1. Base all purple areas with Naggaroth Night .
  2. Recess shade with Druchii Violet .
  3. Glaze Pauldron and and all upper surfaces with a thinned Screamer Pink .
  4. Thin edge highlight with Emperor's Children >


  1. Base with Retributor Armour .
Citadel Painting System 9
Base 3
  • Naggaroth Night
  • Retributor Armour
  • Screamer Pink
Shade 2
  • Druchii Violet
  • Nuln Oil
Layer 3
  • Emperor's Children
  • Ulthuan Grey
  • White Scar
Spray 1
  • Wraithbone
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