Tau Farsight / Au Taal Sept


Tau Farsight / Au Taal Sept

  • Written by
  • Published
    17 Oct 2023
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  1. Basecoat: German Red Brown


  1. Spray armour with Red or Khorne Red
  2. Zenithal spray with Mephiston Red
  3. add some Dark Sea Blue into the Red or Khorne Red and spray into the shadows to push the contrast
  4. Recess shade with Agrax Earthshade i've also used Coelia Greenshade to good effect, depends on the other colours
  5. Edge highlight with Tuskgor Fur
  6. Highlight with Bugman's Glow also do some scratches at this point.
  7. Final Edge with Cadian Fleshtone final dots of scratches too.


  1. Basecoat with Dark Sea Blue
  2. Layer with Sotek Green
  3. Add in some Temple Guard Blue and layer again
  4. Temple Guard Blue and mix in some Ice Yellow final crescent highlight
  5. Wash with Coelia Greenshade
  6. Dot Highlight with White


  1. Black
  2. German Grey
  3. German Grey Ice Yellow mixed at 75:25
  4. Keep adding more Ice Yellow to highlight

Sept Markings

  1. Base with Jade Green
  2. Highlight with Sybarite Green
  3. Final highlight with Gauss Blaster Green


  1. Varnish with AK Ultramatt Varnish

Metallics - Gold

  1. Paint gold with Necro Gold
  2. Highlight with Peridot Alchemy

Metallics - Silver

  1. Paint Silver with Black Metal
  2. Wash with Nuln Oil


  1. Base with sand paste simialr to Armageddon Dust
  2. Wash with wither Agrax Earthshade or Seraphim Sepia
  3. Drybrush with Ivory
  4. Using pigment powders in red, yellow, sand, black and brown dust up the bases and the legs
Citadel Painting System 14
Base 2
  • Bugman's Glow
  • Khorne Red
Shade 4
  • Agrax Earthshade
  • Coelia Greenshade
  • Nuln Oil
  • Seraphim Sepia
Layer 6
  • Cadian Fleshtone
  • Gauss Blaster Green
  • Sotek Green
  • Sybarite Green
  • Temple Guard Blue
  • Tuskgor Fur
Texture 1
  • Armageddon Dust
Air 1
  • Mephiston Red
Scale75 Scalecolor
Metal n' Alchemy 3
  • SC-63 Black Metal
  • SC-71 Necro Gold
  • SC-78 Peridot Alchemy
Vallejo Game Color
Base 1
  • 72.026 Jade Green
Vallejo Model Color
Base 7
  • 70.858 Ice Yellow
  • 70.898 Dark Sea Blue
  • 70.918 Ivory
  • 70.926 Red
  • 70.950 Black
  • 70.951 White
  • 70.995 German Grey
Vallejo Surface Primer
Base 1
  • 70.605 German Red Brown
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