Imperial Guard infantry scheme

Imperial Guard infantry scheme

  • Written by
  • Published
    07 Dec 2023
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  1. Prime Wraithbone
  2. Shade Agrax Earthshade
  3. 2 layers of Creed Camo on the armour panels and just one layer on any lighter green fabric like the Sargents cap
  4. For the clothing use Skeleton Horde
  5. Any back packs, belts or straps paint with Gore-grunta Fur
  6. Use Snakebite Leather on the gaiters, scabbards and the rolls on top of the backpack
  7. For the skin use Guilliman Flesh or Darkoath Flesh
  8. Black Templar on any bits you want to be metallic or to remain black. Like the boots
  9. For the weapon casings/shovels/cups etc use Dark Angels Green for a bit of variety in the green
  10. Iron Hands Steel on any metallic bits
  11. Balthasar Gold on any bronze bits
  12. shade the metallics with Nuln Oil
  13. dry brush all of the mini with Tyrant Skull but only very lightly on the armour and metallics
Citadel Painting System 14
Base 2
  • Balthasar Gold
  • Iron Hands Steel
Shade 2
  • Agrax Earthshade
  • Nuln Oil
Dry 1
  • Tyrant Skull
Spray 1
  • Wraithbone
Contrast 8
  • Black Templar
  • Creed Camo
  • Dark Angels Green
  • Darkoath Flesh
  • Gore-grunta Fur
  • Guilliman Flesh
  • Skeleton Horde
  • Snakebite Leather
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