- Prime Wraithbone
Shade Agrax Earthshade - 2 layers of Creed Camo on the armour panels and just one layer on any lighter green fabric like the Sargents cap
- For the clothing use Skeleton Horde
- Any back packs, belts or straps paint with Gore-grunta Fur
- Use Snakebite Leather on the gaiters, scabbards and the rolls on top of the backpack
- For the skin use Guilliman Flesh or Darkoath Flesh
- Black Templar on any bits you want to be metallic or to remain black. Like the boots
- For the weapon casings/shovels/cups etc use Dark Angels Green for a bit of variety in the green
- Iron Hands Steel on any metallic bits
- Balthasar Gold on any bronze bits
- shade the metallics with Nuln Oil
- dry brush all of the mini with Tyrant Skull but only very lightly on the armour and metallics