Goblin flesh and faces

Goblin flesh and faces

  • Written by
  • Published
    31 Mar 2024
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I use Pro Acryl paints but can be replaced with similar colours from other ranges. There are no washes in this recipe. Instead this starts at a very dark green and by layering up paint and retaining some of this black green, it creates a very vibrant green skin with deep shadows.

Main skin

  1. Base coat Black Green which will form the darkest shadows
  2. Cover most of the base coat with Yellow Green
  3. Layer on highlights of Bright Yellow Green
  4. Final highlight on most exposed areas with thin layer of Golden Yellow

Facial features

  1. Paint mouth and teeth with Burnt Red
  2. Paint over teeth with Yellow Ochre
  3. Spot highlight tips of teeth with Ivory
  4. Paint lips with Black Green
  5. Paint eyes using Coal Black

You can also paint the fingernails with Black Green

Starred by Maffoo

Monument Creature Caster Pro Acryl
Base 8
  • 002 Coal Black
  • 006 Golden Yellow
  • 008 Burnt Red
  • 023 Ivory
  • 038 Yellow Ochre
  • 039 Bright Yellow Green
  • 057 Black Green
  • 065 Yellow Green
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