Painting stones

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  • Published
    19 Apr 2024
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  1. 1 - Matte black primer (Army Painter, but any matte black primer would work)
    2 - Zenithal with tan (Ceracoat trail tan, I think? Any tan will work. I used craft paint to keep the cost down). You want to spray with the tan until the pieces look mostly just grey, not fully tan. The Tan will make the whole thing warmer than just Zenithaling in white.
    3 - Pick out individual stones in light grey and light brown (again, the exact colors aren't that critical). You want 2 white stones and 2 brown stones per wall face to give you a good mix.
    4 - At this point things will look a little cartoony, but the next step will fix that. Cover over the whole thing in Black Magic Craft's recipe for a terrain black wash (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IokSYHu58V8). This will serve to unify the color scheme, but will also darken everything down.
    5 - Finally a very light drybrush over everything with an off-white. Light touch here, it's easy to overdo. Paint down towards the floor, so the drybrush hits the upper surface of protruding stones.
  2. https://discord.com/channels/452347037489430538/604552498660900875/1224943313866457170