Anvils of the Heldenhammer - Liberator Prime [Old armour]

Anvils of the Heldenhammer - Liberator Prime [Old armour]

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  • Published
    22 May 2024
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Anvils of the Heldenhammer experiment with the slap-chop technique and Contrast/Xpress paints

Preparation Works

  1. Prime in Black
  2. Drybrush most of the miniature with Cold Grey
  3. Drybrush edges of the miniature with Stone Wall Grey
  4. Drybrush high edges of the miniature with Off White


  1. Base black parts with Hospitallier Black
  2. Base gold parts with Imperial Yellow
  3. Base white parts with Templar White
  4. Base textile with Seraph Red
  5. Base leather with Wasteland Brown
  6. Base seals with Skeleton Horde


  1. Base handles with Seraph Red
  2. Base gold parts with Imperial Yellow
  3. Base scabbard with Wasteland Brown
  4. Base hammerhead with Templar White
  5. Shade hammerhead with Blue Wash


  1. Add terrain
  2. Paint with Mojave Mudcrack
  3. Prime in Black
  4. Drybrush most of the base with Cold Grey
  5. Drybrush edges of the base with Stone Wall Grey
  6. Drybrush high edges of the base with Off White
  7. Base with Templar White
  8. Shade with Fuegan Orange
  9. Add grass
  10. Fill crackles with White Ink (Vallejo Game Color)
  11. Shade crackes with Blue Wash



Citadel Painting System 2
Shade 1
  • Fuegan Orange
Contrast 1
  • Skeleton Horde
Green Stuff World
Crackle Paint 1
  • 1719 Mojave Mudcrack
Vallejo Game Color 4
Base 3
  • 72.049 Stone Wall Grey
  • 72.050 Cold Grey
  • 72.101 Off White
Wash 1
  • 72.207 Blue Wash
Vallejo Surface Primer
Base 1
  • 70.602 Black
Vallejo Xpress 5
Xpress 3
  • 72.401 Templar White
  • 72.403 Imperial Yellow
  • 72.420 Wasteland Brown
Intense 2
  • 72.479 Seraph Red
  • 72.484 Hospitallier Black
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