Death Guard Plague Marine

Death Guard Plague Marine

  • Written by
  • Published
    18 May 2024
  • Shareable URL

Experiment with the slap-chop technique and Contrast/Xpress paints

Preparation Works

  1. Prime in Black
  2. Drybrush most of the miniature with Cold Grey
  3. Drybrush edges of the miniature with Stone Wall Grey
  4. Drybrush high edges of the miniature with Off White


  1. Base with Skeleton Horde


  1. Base with Deep Purple


  1. Base with Velvet Red


  1. Base green part with Plaguebearer Flesh
  2. Base bronze part with Balthasar Gold


  1. Base leather with Wasteland Brown
  2. Base grip and garda with Balthasar Gold
  3. Base blade with Leadbelcher
  4. Layer grip and garda with Nihilakh Oxide
  5. Layer blade with Dry Rust


  1. Base patrons, skull, barrel, and chainsaw teeth with Balthasar Gold
  2. Base other parts with Leadbelcher
  3. Layer skull, barrel with Nihilakh Oxide
  4. Layer other parts with Dry Rust


  1. Prime Black
  2. Drybrush most of the base with Cold Grey
  3. Drybrush edges of the base with Stone Wall Grey
  4. Drybrush high edges of the base with Off White
  5. Base skull with Skeleton Horde
  6. Wash rock and ground with Green Wash
  7. Drybrush rock and ground with Fluorescent Green
  8. Wash rock with Agrax Earthshade
  9. Add some grass

Starred by Tagdamell



Citadel Painting System 6
Base 2
  • Balthasar Gold
  • Leadbelcher
Shade 1
  • Agrax Earthshade
Technical 1
  • Nihilakh Oxide
Contrast 2
  • Plaguebearer Flesh
  • Skeleton Horde
Vallejo Game Color 6
Base 4
  • 72.049 Stone Wall Grey
  • 72.050 Cold Grey
  • 72.101 Off White
  • 72.104 Fluorescent Green
Wash 1
  • 72.205 Green Wash
Special effect 1
  • 72.136 Dry Rust
Vallejo Surface Primer
Base 1
  • 70.602 Black
Vallejo Xpress
Xpress 3
  • 72.407 Velvet Red
  • 72.409 Deep Purple
  • 72.420 Wasteland Brown
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