Lava flows on bases


Lava flows on bases

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  • Published
    02 Jun 2024
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  1. Vallejo 26.214 Black lava - Asphalt. Big dollops. Natural channels between patches, the scragglier the better. Remember to keep space for model's feet.
  2. Drybrush mid grey. Basalt Grey . V. lightly, easy to overdo it
  3. Dark Sea Grey drybrush on patches/raised areas
  4. Pro Acryl Bold Titanium White painted in the channels
  5. Baal Red over the white
  6. Magmadroth Flame over the top
  7. White stipple - big blotches, bigger than feels comfortable. Touch the edge of the channel sometimes Maybe 2 layers of different opacity. Better if it's dry rather than white blobs
  8. GSW orange yellow fluorescent paint over the top. Mix super well and paint thick
  9. Stipple a bit of yellow in the middle of the channel. Go slightly excessive, the next spray will knock it back
  10. White stipple lightly in the middle of the yellow
  11. Flesh Tearers Red airbrushed on channel edges with v. fine detail nozzle. Overspray will add some glow to the rock and knock back the vibrancy of the lava in the middle
  12. Gloss varnish the lava
Citadel Painting System
Contrast 3
  • Baal Red
  • Flesh Tearers Red
  • Magmadroth Flame
Vallejo Model Color
Base 2
  • 70.869 Basalt Grey
  • 70.991 Dark Sea Grey
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