Blighted Wood

Blighted Wood

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  • Published
    27 Feb 2020
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A grey rotten wood.


  1. Skavenblight Dinge Basecoat
  2. Agrax Earthshade Wash
  3. Stormvermin Fur Painted wood grain
  4. Dawnstone Further define wood grain
  5. Karak Stone Select highlight of the wood
  6. Rakarth Flesh Spot highlight


  1. Castellan Green Sparsely stippled on select areas
  2. Elysian Green Stipple highlight the centre of the moss
  3. Athonian Camoshade Lahmian Medium 1:2 glaze if it is required to tone down the moss



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Citadel Painting System 10
Base 2
  • Castellan Green
  • Rakarth Flesh
Shade 2
  • Agrax Earthshade
  • Athonian Camoshade
Layer 5
  • Dawnstone
  • Elysian Green
  • Karak Stone
  • Skavenblight Dinge
  • Stormvermin Fur
Technical 1
  • Lahmian Medium
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