Eldar Vehicles - Craftworld: Baharr

Eldar Vehicles - Craftworld: Baharr

  • Written by
  • Published
    07 Apr 2020
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This is my custom Eldar Craftworld paint recipe.


  1. Airbrush prime the model using Vallejo Back Primer Black

Base Coat

  1. Airbrush a black base coat that is a 3:1 mix of Vallejo Model Color Black Black and Vallejo Game Color Black Ink Black Ink

Dry Brushed Base Coat

  1. Using a soft makeup brush, gently drybrush the entire model with Vallejo Scarlett Red Scarlet Red

Highlight 1

  1. Airbrush the widest band of highlight using Scarlet Red

Highlight 2

  1. Airbrush the next smaller band of highlight using Vallejo Game Air Bloody Red Bloody Red , do not clean out the airbrush entirely from the previous highlight color for better blending.

Highlight 3

  1. Airbrush the smallest, outer band of highlight using Vallejo Game Air Orange Fire Orange Fire , do not clean out the airbrush entirely from the previous highlight color for better blending.

Highlight 4

  1. On the very tips of the sharp edges, either airbrush using Vallejo Game Color Dead White Dead White or use Citadel White Scar White Scar if the tips are small.

Spirit Stones

  1. Base coat the spirit stones with Citadel Sotek Green Sotek Green
  2. Paint the portion of the spirit stone facing the light source with Citadel TEclis Blue Teclis Blue
  3. Paint a smaller portion of the spirit stone facing the light source with Citadel Temple Guard Blue Temple Guard Blue
  4. Add a small white line to the lens reflection on the stones using Citadel White Scar White Scar
  5. Add a small white dot of Citadel White Scar White Scar on the opposite side of the spirit stone.

Spirit Stones Varnish/Finish

  1. As a last step for the spirit stones, apply a coat of Vallejo gloss varnish

Other Items

  1. Paint engine thrust nozzles and grates using Vallejo Mecha Color Dark Steel.
Citadel Painting System
Layer 4
  • Sotek Green
  • Teclis Blue
  • Temple Guard Blue
  • White Scar
Vallejo Game Air
Base 3
  • 72.708 Orange Fire
  • 72.710 Bloody Red
  • 72.712 Scarlet Red
Vallejo Game Color 3
Base 2
  • 72.001 Dead White
  • 72.012 Scarlet Red
Ink 1
  • 72.094 Black Ink
Vallejo Model Color
Base 1
  • 70.950 Black
Vallejo Surface Primer
Base 1
  • 70.602 Black
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