Legion of the Damned Infantry

Legion of the Damned Infantry

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  • Published
    02 Aug 2020
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Prime in Black

Basecoat with a 3:1 mix of Black and Black Ink

Edge Highlighting (progressively smaller as you near corners)

  1. Edge Highlight 1: Vallejo Blood Red
  2. Edge Highlight 2: Vallejo Hot Orange
  3. Edge Highlight 3: Vallejo Yellow Sun

Paint weapons and other metals with Vallejo Dark Steel or Citadel Brass Scorpion as needed.

Flames (non-head)

  1. Airbrush entire flame with Vallejo Hot Orange
  2. Airbrush top half of flames with Vallejo Scarlett Red
  3. Airbrush top 1/3 of flames with Vallejo Black
  4. Add small amount of Vallejo Yellow Sun to the bottom of the flames by brush to brighten the flames
  5. Optional: Add a very small amount of Vallejo Dead White to the bottom of the flames by brush to create the source of the source of flames

Flaming Skull (Head)

  1. Airbrush entire skull and flames with Vallejo Scarlett Red. Let overspray color inside of head area as well
  2. Airbrush tip of flames from skull with Vallejo Black
  3. Brush Vallejo Yellow Sun to very small spots of skull flames for the source of the flames
  4. Paint inside of eye sockets with Vallejo Hot Orange
  5. Optional: Add small bit of Vallejo Dead White to the eye sockets to create a glow effect

Acquilla and Human Skulls (non-head)

  1. Paint with Citadel Ushabti Bone
  2. After applying color to flames not on head, paint other, non-head skulls with Ushabti Bone. Then apply a wash of AK Interactive Streaking Grime and remove excess with mineral spirits.

Armor Battle Damage

  1. Using a sponge, dip in Vallejo Dark Steel and then gently dab onto armor for battle damage
  2. If there are and decals, use a sponge and black paint for damage. Apply larger damage with brush if needed.


  1. Using an airbrush, spray all armor (everything except flames) with AK Interactive Streaking Grime, and remove excess with mineral spirits and cotton swabs. This should really be done before painting flames so that the Streaking Grime is not on the flames.
  2. If metal joints or parts are present, either brush or airbrush AK Interactive's Rust Streaks and remove excess with mineral spirits.


  1. Use cork for ground for model, leaving area for lava flow
  2. Fill areas of lava flow between cork with Vallejo Ground Texture (let dry for several hours)
  3. Prime Black
  4. Drybrush edges of ground with Citadel Eshin Grey
  5. Lava 1: Airbrush entire lava area with Vallejo Scarlett Red
  6. Lava 2: Airbrush larger areas near the edge of the base lava with Vallejo Hot Orange, not cleaning airbrush out from previous step, to assist in blending
  7. Lava 3: Airbrush edges of larger areas near the edge of the base lava with Vallejo Yellow, not cleaning airbrush out from previous step, to assist in blending
  8. Paint rim of base with Vallejo black.