Orks - Skin

Orks - Skin

  1. Base coat Deathworld Forest
  2. Shade all over with Athonian Camoshade
  3. Layer the muscles with Elysian Green painting in the direction of muscle fibers
  4. Highlight with Ogryn Camo
  5. Smaller highlight with 1:1 Yriel Yellow and Ogryn Camo
  6. Glaze with a 3:1:2 mix of water, Athonian Camoshade and Casandora Yellow
Citadel Painting System 6
Base 1
  • Deathworld Forest
Shade 2
  • Athonian Camoshade
  • Casandora Yellow
Layer 3
  • Elysian Green
  • Ogryn Camo
  • Yriel Yellow
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