Base coat with splotches of watered down Oak Brown , Brigadine Brown , & Matt Black
Wash with mixed Green Tone / Strong Tone
Dry brush ground with Fur Brown & Leather Brown
Dry brush extremely lightly with Ancient Stone
Glue on Slate stones (1/8" - 1/2" from Small World Slate & Stone Store on Amazon)
Base coat Deep Grey
Wash with mixed Blue Tone / Dark Tone
Dry brush with Ash Grey
Brush on Matt Varnish as the wash dries a bit glossy for my taste
Highlight with Ancient Stone
Lichen & Moss
Dab at topmost areas of stone that might grow lichen with a ratty split tipped brush to make lots of tiny random dots with glaze consitencies of Necrotic Flesh , Army Green , and Rainforest .
Use the same stippling process as above but only as smaller highlights or clumps with Ice Yellow and Fresh Rust
Paint PVA glue patches around the stones
Tap on 2mm Static Grass (Stonehaven Miniatures - Warm Green & Medium Green)
Add scattered larger tufts (Gamers Grass - Green Meadow set)