Centaurion Marshal

Centaurion Marshal

  • Written by
  • Published
    31 Dec 2024
  • Updated
    04 Feb 2025
  • Shareable URL


  1. Base with a 2:1 mix of Ionrach Skin and Death Korps Drab
  2. Glaze in the shadows with Death Korps Drab
  3. Blend the shade and base together using the base mix
  4. Highlight with pure Ionrach Skin
  5. Final highlight glaze with Deepkin Flesh


  1. Base with a 2:1 mix of Ionrach Skin and Gal Vorbak Red
  2. Glaze in the shadows using Gal Vorbak Red

Fur (Horse Body)

  1. Base with Corvus Black


  1. Base the panels with Thousand Sons Blue
  2. Shade where the panel meets the trim using Kantor Blue
  3. Highlight the raised areas and edges using Ahriman Blue

Armour Trim

  1. I've painted the trim using Non Metallic Metal. It's not as hard as it looks. Base the trim using Rhinox Hide
  2. Once based, take a picture of each bit of the trim with a light overhead. Up the contrast and you'll have a very nice picture of your shadows and highlights!
  3. Keeping Rhinox Hide in the deepest shadow, begin painting in the mid tones using XV-88
  4. Using Averland Sunset , put the broad highlights in
  5. Now use Dorn Yellow to refine the highlights
  6. Paint in some spot highlights using White Scar


  1. Base using Rhinox Hide
  2. Shade using a 1:1 mix of Rhinox Hide and Abaddon Black
  3. Highlight using a mix of Rhinox Hide and Gorthor Brown
  4. Highlight using Gorthor Brown
  5. Highlight using Baneblade Brown

Hair and Chestplate

  1. Base with Gal Vorbak Red
  2. Highlight with a 1:1 mix of Jokaero Orange and Gal Vorbak Red
  3. Highlight with Jokaero Orange


I struggled with the steel on this model. I think I just ran out of steam, so I just wanted it finished. I'll write the steps I used here, but feel free to use any other steel recipe.

  1. Base with Skavenblight Dinge
  2. Place highlights using Dawnstone
  3. Paint a smaller highlight inside the last highlight using Administratum Grey
  4. Even smaller highlights using Celestra Grey
  5. Tiny highlights using White Scar
  6. Get fed up with how it's coming out and then cover it with a 1:1 mix of Ratling Grime and Water
  7. Paint some very sketchy highlights using Administratum Grey and consider it done

Skulls and Horns

  1. Base with Steel Legion Drab
  2. Highlight using a 1:1 mix of Steel Legion Drab and Baneblade Brown
  3. Highlight using Baneblade Brown
  4. Highlight using a 1:1 mix of Baneblade Brown and White Scar
  5. Glaze in the shadows using Rhinox Hide
  6. All over glaze using a 1:1 mix of Skeleton Horde and Water
Citadel Painting System 23
Base 12
  • Abaddon Black
  • Averland Sunset
  • Celestra Grey
  • Death Korps Drab
  • Gal Vorbak Red
  • Ionrach Skin
  • Jokaero Orange
  • Kantor Blue
  • Rhinox Hide
  • Steel Legion Drab
  • Thousand Sons Blue
  • XV-88
Layer 9
  • Administratum Grey
  • Ahriman Blue
  • Baneblade Brown
  • Dawnstone
  • Deepkin Flesh
  • Dorn Yellow
  • Gorthor Brown
  • Skavenblight Dinge
  • White Scar
Contrast 2
  • Ratling Grime
  • Skeleton Horde
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