Rocky & Mossy Base

Rocky & Mossy Base

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  • Published
    04 Jan 2025
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The idea of the base was heavily influenced by the awesome bases from @jp_miniatures over on Instagram and the forested labyrinths or under hollows from the Warhammer video game.

- For the ground texture I mixed dried coffee ground, grinded herbs, fine sand, fine grinded cork, sawdust, natron, pva & water.
- If you want to place moss across the base like I did, mix fake moss with pva and AK Interactive Moss Deposits + Athonian Camoshade. Dry brush with Elysian Green after the moss has fully dried.
- Place some Mushrooms, base coat them white and apply Guilliman Flesh or Darkoath Flesh contrast paints afterwards for a fleshy color.
- If you think you lost to much punch from the white, you can apply it anytime b drybrushing once the previous layer has fully dried. Try to experiment a little bit until you are happy.

  1. Base coat the base with Abaddon Black
  2. Heavy drybrush the whole base with White Scar
  3. Slap Militarum Green all over the base and let it fully dry
  4. Thin down AK Interactive Moss Deposits with White Spirit and select areas where moss would naturally grow, like deeper/darker areas or recesses.
  5. Mix Militarum Green with Lahmian Medium 1:3 and wash the whole base again.
  6. Wash the lower levels, recesses and mossy areas of the base with thinned Athonian Camoshade and Lahmian Medium (1:3).
  7. Drybrush the whole base with White Scar again, focusing more on the raised areas.
  8. Place some tufts, bushes, moss and mushrooms and you are done πŸ™Œ.

Starred by Tentaclaws



Painting miniatures from the Warhammer 40K and Age of Sigmar universe: Necrons, Death Guard, Black Legion, Skaven, Stormcast Eternals. Back into the hobby after a break of over 20 years. Stationed in Germany, Kiel.

Citadel Painting System 5
Base 1
  • Abaddon Black
Shade 1
  • Athonian Camoshade
Layer 1
  • White Scar
Technical 1
  • Lahmian Medium
Contrast 1
  • Militarum Green
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