Horns & Bones

Horns & Bones

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  • Published
    30 Nov 2024
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Painting horns and bones for the Death Guard legion.
The painting processes contains a lot of glazing, so remember to thin your paints down enough for smooth transitions.

- Use a good medium to thin your paints down like Contrast or Lahmian Medium. I don't recommend water, because it breaks up the pigmets too much for my taste.
- glaze (very thinned paint) the bones from bottom to the top, applying multiple thinned layers while getting closer to the top.
- mix colors for even smoother transitions

  1. Base coat with Zandri Dust
  2. Was with Agrax Earthshade focusing on the recesses. Thin with Lahmian Medium if needed.
  3. Layer thinned Zandri Dust again
  4. Glaze Ungor Flesh from bottom to top.
  5. Glaze thinned Zamesi Desert
  6. Glaze Mournfang Brown getting closer to the top.
  7. Glaze Rhinox Hide almost at the tips of the horns only.
  8. Thinned Nuln Oil for an even darker touch at the tips only



Painting miniatures from the Warhammer 40K and Age of Sigmar universe: Necrons, Death Guard, Black Legion, Skaven, Stormcast Eternals. Back into the hobby after a break of over 20 years. Stationed in Germany, Kiel.

Citadel Painting System 8
Base 3
  • Mournfang Brown
  • Rhinox Hide
  • Zandri Dust
Shade 2
  • Agrax Earthshade
  • Nuln Oil
Layer 2
  • Ungor Flesh
  • Zamesi Desert
Technical 1
  • Lahmian Medium
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